The current Photo Friday challenge: Shade
In September 2009 we visited our youngest, who was serving two-plus years in the Peace Corps in Ukraine, living in a small village on the Crimean peninsula, an hour’s bus ride from the Crimean capital, Simferopol. We had a couple days of sight-seeing with him, after arriving in Kiev/Kyiv, and then took a long train ride to Simferopol followed by a taxi ride to his village. During our ten days with him, we visited in the village and walked in the vicinity, were “show and tell” for a day at the school where he was working, and spent days tripping to Simferopol, to Yalta, to Sevastopol and elsewhere via trolleybus. One day, we visited Bakhchisaray Palace, where this photo was taken.

Bakhchisaray Palace, Crimea. 25Sep2009