Towse: views from the hill

July 22, 2007

Harry Potter

Filed under: books,life — Towse @ 6:58 am

I did not spend midnight at a bookstore.

I spent the hours before midnight wending my way home from the lobster feed at the Bankers Club and chatting with our 2-unit-condo partner-in-crime at our front doorstep until the new parents next door asked us to pipe down.

Today, when we were at Costco buying greens and tequila and Bisquick and whatever, I considered buying the latest HP but because I’m not all caught up with the first six, I decided it wasn’t critical to buy a first-edition (one of 12 million) today.

We got to Costco late — too late for his nibs to nab a 2 lb. loaf of Acme Bread’s sour batard. We’ll have to go down to the Ferry Building and pick up a 1 lb. loaf. Seems the bakery at the Ferry Building doesn’t do 2 lb. loafs, alas.

We’d left our place in the early afternoon. Spent some time at the preview for Bonham’s SOMA auction. Went over to the loft and sorted through books. Headed off to Costco and then home.

One of the guys in an adjacent line was a tough-enough guy there with his one-maybe-two-year-old. He chatted up an even tougher looking guy in another lane, a buddy, who came over and chatted up the young ‘un.

What surprised, and pleased me, was that all our tough-enough guy had in his cart were three Harry Potters.

I imagined him telling the kids that he would =not= hang out at Barnes&Noble with them at midnight, but he =would= promise to go to Costco today and buy a copy for each of the reading kids so they wouldn’t have to share.

We came home plus white t-shirts for his nibs but sans Harry Potter.

As I’m sorting through the boxes of books, I will set aside the Harry Potters and then spend a few days of serious reading to get me through the series.

Harry Potter. Who he?

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