Towse: views from the hill

December 2, 2005

A new view from the Hill

Filed under: Uncategorized — Towse @ 1:49 am

Keeping up my lists of blogs and interesting sites was tedious with the design I’d set for the blog.

I had two options:

1) using or Bloglines or a similar tool to create the blogrolls and stash them offsite, referenced and included in the blog template.

I had the unfortunate experience of going south on me one day and my blog hanging as it displayed because it couldn’t contact the site. and alternatives were out.

2) hardcoding the blogs and sites of interests into my template, which I’ve been doing for quite a while now. Unfortunately, every time I changed my lists, I had to recompile my site.

Because the lists were getting long and taking up a lot of real estate and because I hated sitting around while my site recompiled, I split off the lists of blogs and sites of interests to another location today and reworked the blog. A link to those lists is available on the blog in the left column under Blogs and Sites of Note.

I’m off to a holiday gathering at Dee Vine Wines at Pier 19. It’s been raining like the dickens and hasn’t let up and I need to carefully work my way down the steps and across the Embarcadero.

Hasta maƱana.

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