Towse: views from the hill

November 14, 2007

The Fallon House (reprise)

Filed under: history,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 7:28 pm

I’ve written about the Fallon House before but because the folks over at Flickr’s GUESSWHERESF photo pool asked, I’ll gather together the loose threads.

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The house that Carmel built, The Fallon House at 1800 Market St, across the street from Destino, home to the best Pisco sours in the City.

The Fallon House was named for Carmel Fallon, his nibs’ grandmother’s grandmother.

Family history is there on the site.

Carmel Lodge Fallon grew up outside Santa Cruz on her mother’s Mexican land grant. Rancho Soquel included land from the Santa Cruz Mountains ridgeline to the sea, from Santa Cruz to Watsonville. Martina Castro Lodge lost it all within years of the American influx. She divvied up the grant amongst her children, including Carmel, sold off the rest (with her much younger third husband as witness to the transaction) and years later died penniless and crazed.

Simon Cota, Carmel Lodge Fallon’s father, died when she was a toddler. Carmel’s mother, Martina Castro, then married Michael Lodge, whose last name Carmel adopted.

Carmel was the classic spinster rich girl who fell for the dashing Irish adventurer Thomas Fallon. They married and raised a family. The children died of cholera and they moved to San Jose (where Fallon had raised the Bear Flag many years earlier) to raise another family. Carmel, never an easy keeper, wound up whacking Fallon over the head (with what is sometimes called a fireplace tool, sometimes a lead pipe) when she found him in “a compromising position” with the housekeeper/dressmaker/maid some twenty-seven years into the marriage.

Carmel left San Jose and Tom and with her younger unmarried children in tow resettled in San Francisco, where she used her divorce settlement to become a business woman and landlord, owning and operating the Hotel Carmel and the Fallon Hotel.

Carmel never remarried. She built the house at 1800 Market Street and lived in it until her death. Family legend has it that she was up beating out embers on the roof, helping save the building from the fires after the 1906 quake and that for the rest of her life she suffered from “weak lungs” due to smoke inhalation. She did save the house, though. Her house was the first house left standing and unburnt on Market Street after the earthquake and fire.

Carmel Lodge Fallon was in her nineties when she died. Her great-grandson, his nibs’ father, could remember visiting his great-grandmother when he was young. She wasn’t your warm, cuddly great-grandmother but rather a dour old woman, dressed in black.

One of the children Carmel brought with her to San Francisco, Isabella (Belle) Fallon, married Nathaniel Jones Brittan of the City. His father, John Wesley Brittan, had been a young hardware store clerk in New York until the hardware store owner had the brill idea to send his young clerk out to California shortly after the Gold Rush with a shipload of hardware supplies to sell to the 49ers.

JW Brittan sold out all the supplies he’d brought, kept his share of the profits and settled in the City, bringing more hardware on other ships around the Horn. He made a good living selling hardware, pans and pick axes to the gold miners and hinges, door knockers and nails to the San Franciscans.

NJ Brittan and Belle had three children, a set of twins Natalie and Belle, and Carmelita, his nibs’ grandmother. The girls were raised for the most part down the peninsula on NJ Brittan’s Rancho San Carlos. NJ’s name and the ranch are entwined in the history of what eventually became San Carlos. You can still see Brittan Avenue and streets named after Belle and Carmelita (but not Natalie, why?) from when the ranch was subdivided and sold.

As was the case with many of the Brittan and Fallon holdings, there were squabbles over rights and inheritances. Lawsuits and lawyers ate up what money and property there was. The Fallon House in San Francisco was sold to honor a pledge Carmel Fallon had made to the San Francisco Opera — but only after the Opera had to sue Carmel’s estate.

Eventually, and appropriately enough — our older son’s gay — Carmel’s house became San Francisco’s LGBT Community Center.

And there ends a short history of Carmel Fallon’s house at 1800 Market.

Morning fog blows in

Filed under: photographs,SFOBayBridge,weather — Towse @ 3:16 pm

Clear as a bell here since before sunrise. The fog, though, she’s blowing in.


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Update>And just as quickly gone. Clear, sunny day. And I have fish to fry. Back later.

November 13, 2007

Tree trimming … and it isn’t even Christmas!

Filed under: causes,life,politics — Tags: , , , — Towse @ 10:14 pm


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Talk about a job I wouldn’t want! I can’t even stand at the edge of the roof without getting shaky knees.

Tree trimmers are trimming the trees down the hill from us, trees which caused such political uproar a year ago or so and resulted in new rules regarding tree cutting on private property. Siblings of the trees were taken out three years ago. These remaining trees are supposed to remain in place and be taken care of until they can’t be maintained. The City’s indemnified the owner from any lawsuits that might arise should the trees topple over or break a limb.

The guy up in the tree checks his knots frequently. He has an ally on the roof of the building just east of the trees and an ally on the ground, who is cutting the fallen branches with a chain saw. The guy in the tree has done most of his work with a tree saw on a long pole but just now switched to a chain saw.

Earlier today, the neighborhood e-mail list flashed with a “someone’s cutting the cypresses” note, followed by a note from Mark Bittner that the cutting was all in order.

The neighbors are watching. The parrots are sitting on someone’s railing to get a better view of what’s going on because their usual tree perch doesn’t have a good line of sight for the trees being trimmed.

When allz done, I’ll post before and afters.

Update: Gone for the day. Ropes still in trees.

November 7, 2007

What we see from the hill

Filed under: politics,San Francisco — Towse @ 7:18 am

His nibs said, look at … that … those vehicles going into Pier 29 …

What is that all about?

Oh, OK.

Ballots were taken from polling places to Pier 29 for preliminary processing.


Pier 29? Why there?

Fine. Those are the tail lights we’re seeing.

Election results will begin pouring in at 8:30 p.m.

Filed under: politics,San Francisco — Towse @ 2:19 am

Final counts will be posted by

… oh, two weeks from now.

All the absentee ballots and those cast “early” at City Hall will be counted and released by 8:30 p.m. Those that were cast at the polls today? Well, there’s this problem, see?

November 3, 2007

Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main

Filed under: life,music,photographs,San Francisco,SFOBayBridge — Towse @ 11:59 pm


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Lovely sailboat out on the Bay this afternoon.

We’re off to the Fillmore in a shake to see Kristofferson and Kitaro, Taj Mahal, Floyd Red Crow Westerman, San Francisco Taiko Dojo, Peter Coyote and Charlie Hill for the Longest Walk II. Maybe Buffy Saint-Marie, another writeup shows her on the lineup too and not Kitaro. Well, remains to be seen. I’m there for Kristofferson.

The Consumerist: Shoppers Bite Back

Filed under: blog,culture,shopshopshop — Towse @ 6:40 pm

Entertaining blog with news tidbits.

The Consumerist: Shoppers Bite Back

You can find such gems as a post about Batter Blaster:

Occasionally we see products that make us wonder how we got to this late day without them. “Batter Blaster” (which is pancake batter in a Cheese Whiz or Redi Whip bottle) is one such product.

Will we be buying this? No. Are we happy the it exists? Yeah. Actually, we are.

I think the product’s an abomination (How hard is it to add water to your Krusteaz mix?) but about half the comments are in a “hell-yeah, I’ve been waiting for something like this” vein.

Magnitude 4.0 – WYOMING

Filed under: quakes — Towse @ 3:07 am

Magnitude 4.0 – WYOMING

Just saying …

Views from the Hill: Look! Up in the sky!

Filed under: life,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 12:42 am

It’s a bird. It’s a plane.

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It’s the MetLife blimp!

The sellingest album of all time …

Filed under: factoid,music — Towse @ 12:03 am

That can’t be true, can it?

This article claims, “The Eagles Greatest Hits, 1971-1975 was released just four years after the band debuted. It has now sold more records than any album in history, including Thriller.”

[via grapes2dot0, who was more interested in the story on Winslow, AZ, still cadging drinks thirty-five years later off their one brief bit of fame in 1972.]

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