Towse: views from the hill

December 19, 2007


Filed under: blog,books,mystery,people — Towse @ 11:18 pm

Better late than never.

Last May, in honor of its one-year anniversary, The Rap Sheet organized The Rap Sheet's ONE BOOK PROJECT.

We invited more than 100 crime novelists, book critics, and bloggers from all over the English-speaking world to choose the one crime/mystery/thriller novel that they thought had been “most unjustly overlooked, criminally forgotten, or underappreciated over the years.”

Interesting list. Steve Hockensmith, author of Holmes on the Range and On the Wrong Track, nominates THE DOORBELL RANG (1965) by Rex Stout and explains why. J.D. Rhoades, lawyer, blogger, and author of Safe and Sound nominates Katy Munger’s MONEY TO BURN [1999]. Linda Fairstein, author of Bad Blood, chose Robert Traver’s ANATOMY OF A MURDER.

… and the list goes on.

If you’re a crime fiction fan, this list will keep you in reading material for a long, long time.

[via The Rap Sheet]

December 16, 2007

Greenspan sees early signs of U.S. stagflation

Filed under: people,politics — Towse @ 5:48 pm

Greenspan must really miss not having everyone hang on his every word now that he’s not Fed Chair and Bernanke’s doing what Bernanke thinks needs doing to offset the subprime meltdown that’s happening (and all the dominos falling after) because of decisions made on Greenspan’s watch.

Doesn’t seem to be a week go by when I don’t see “Greenspan says” “Greenspan sees” headlines.

Who really cares what Greenspan sees or says. He’s outta there.

What’s Bernanke going to do is the question.

Greenspan sees early signs of U.S. stagflation

Terry Pratchett news.

Filed under: damn,people — Towse @ 5:39 pm


I would have liked to keep this one quiet for a little while, but because of upcoming conventions and of course the need to keep my publishers informed, it seems to me unfair to withhold the news. I have been diagnosed with a very rare form of early onset Alzheimer’s, which lay behind this year’s phantom “stroke”.

continues …

December 10, 2007


Filed under: art,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 2:15 am
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Louise Bourgeois’ Crouching Spider was put in place on the Embarcadero last month. I haven’t had a chance to stop by and take a photograph but see it from the car window on my way home from out of town and pass it some times when my camera’s not at hand.

What a lovely and intense piece.

This photo courtesy of Darwin Bell / (some rights reserved)

Liked the angle of his shot. I’ll replace this photo with one of my own when I can.

Wine hos

Filed under: culture,life,San Francisco — Towse @ 12:47 am

Met a couple at the Slow Food crab fest at the County Building in Golden Gate Park a week ago yesterday. We were all taking the N-Judah home and they asked if we’d like to stop off for a glass of wine before catching the next N-Judah and continuing home. We said sure, and continued the fun we’d been having at the fest.

As a result of the evening, they invited us to the Wine Hos Winter Soiree, which was being held at their place in the Lower Haight last night. The Wine Hos meet monthly to try out wines. Their December meeting is one which they can invite friends or chance-met acquaintances to. The host provides snacks and the wine. The attendees split the cost of the wine.

Last night’s wingding was champagne-focused with sparkling cocktails and snacks after. Five champagnes tasted. Costs ranged from $24/bottle to something like $70. We had about eighteen people and ten bottles … so the shared cost was reasonable.

One of the hosts put together a sheet with the five champagnes listed on one side and on the other side a description of each. Except the descriptions were not necessarily next to the champagne they described. (One of the descriptions: “This one has the violet scent of Pernand-Vergelesses; oh man, even with no dosage this is jail-bait wine, more vinous and “serious” than ’04; sappier and, um, fuller-bodied. She said she was 18, your honor.”)

Our task was to match a champagne to its description. I got five out of five and felt like I’d survived a major exam. I also felt like I learned something about champagne at the same time in a congenial atmosphere.

The sparkling cocktails were great. The snacks were delish. The white elephant present exchange was a stitch. (We didn’t bring a white elephant present because we had nothing in the house to offer. With space at a premium, we tend to take anything we don’t need or love to the Goodwill post haste.)

We met interesting people, including a couple of regular wine hos who live about a hundred steps further down the hill from us (Small world!) and an adorable five-month-old Chihuahua named Jolene.

Brilliant evening. Loads of fun. Exhausted by the time we walked up the hill home.

Thanks for the invite!

December 9, 2007

Welcome to FoodieBytes – eat something new

Filed under: food,San Francisco,URL — Towse @ 1:12 am

Welcome to FoodieBytes – eat something new

Choose your city (Boston, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, DC) and fill in “what” you are looking to eat.

Choose “San Francisco”
Enter: foie gras

Read entries for 142 (mas o menos) restaurants that serve foie gras in San Francisco (mostly, found one listed in Larkspur). Some restaurants are listed multiple times for multiple items on the menu. Brief (lunch, appetizer, &c.) indication of where on the menu, brief detail (“with stone fruit mostarda and cornbread”) and a click to View Menu.

Don’t know how current the menus are as the listings included an entry for Monte Cristo which died a while back.

[via Eater SF]

December 6, 2007

Away, back, and what we did there.

Filed under: California,food,life,photographs — Towse @ 7:46 pm

We’ve been gone on a short run-away that started Sunday morning when we left for an AIWF crab feed at the Silverado Brewing Company, outside St. Helena.

The menu consisted of wine, beer, bubbly, and a plate each with salad, bread, and pasta plus a portion of hot Dungeness crab, followed by another piece of hot crab and another and another until they had to toss us out of there because another party had the banquet room booked. Cookies for dessert.

At some point when we were wrist deep in cracked crab, Michael Fradelizio, owner and operator, gave his impassioned pitch about how for seven years he’s been running the brewing company, a restaurant that eschews hydrogenated fat and serves free-range chicken and Niman Ranch all-natural meats, how he spent time and effort to eliminate high fructose corn syrup from the premises (including having to find substitutes for bottled catsup and the like) and how he wouldn’t serve his patrons anything that he wouldn’t serve his family.

His food was great. I loved his attitude. The crab was delish with a peppery finish.

From Silverado Brewing, we headed a short piece north to Calistoga, and checked into our room. Later, we walked down Lincoln Avenue as we browsed on our way to dinner, sticking our noses into shops, checking menus posted outside restaurants, staying a spell at Copperfield’s, where we bought a book, natch.

We wanted to eat somewhere we hadn’t before. We chose Pacifico Restaurante Mexicano (1237 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga) because his nibs wanted a light supper after all the crab. Hah. His chicken mole included half a chicken under the mole sauce. My chile rellenos was also a healthy, tasty dish. We were ready to snooze.

Next morning we headed off to Santa Rosa to meet up with old friends for lunch at Monti’s (prime rib sandwich, yum!) after which we off-loaded sixteen boxes of books from our car into their van for delivery to the Point Arena Library.

Book exchange complete, we headed upland to Fort Bragg. (101 to Dry Creek Road, past Lake Sonoma


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to Stewarts Point and then up 1 to Fort Bragg) The weather was windy and rainy. The road was windy. At one point on Skaggs Spring Rd/Stewarts Point Rd we stopped the car and his nibs got out to help some locals who were using their chain saw to take a fallen tree out of the road.

“Those County guys just sitting up there in their truck with their flashers on?”

The “County guys” eventually joined the group that was busy dragging branches and stumps off the road. One of them stood and watched. The other dragged a couple branches then stood and watched as well. They claimed to have no chain saw themselves. Said they were waiting for another County truck to arrive with a chain saw. … Eventually, the guy with the chain saw busted his saw as the fallen tree slipped down the bank. Luckily a lane’s-width of the road was clear and with an “after you” “no, after you” the cars and trucks made their ways through the gap and off to their destinations.

We arrived at our B&B (The Country Inn Bed and Breakfast) on Main Street in Fort Bragg in the pouring rain, after five. We carried our bag in and settled in for a bit before heading off to dinner at Mendo Bistro, our reason for going to Fort Bragg in the first place. We drove to dinner even though the distance was only about four blocks because the rain was savage and we didn’t want to get soaked.

Mendo Bistro is open seven days a week from 5-9 p.m. upstairs at the Company Store, Main and Redwood. We showed up some time after six and ordered. When we saw Nicholas Petti come up the stairs, we asked our server to tell him we wanted to talk with him.

“Hi,” he said.
“Hi, I’m Sal,” I said just as Nicholas was saying, “You’re Sal.”

I’d warned him we were coming back again and had promised we’d snag him this time so he’d know the face of the person he’d exchanged e-mails with. We chatted for a bit as we were scarfing up his crab cakes. Oh, those crab cakes …

Turned out we’d lucked into the first evening Nicholas’crab cakes had been on his menu this season.

Delish, delish, delish. Fat, soft, 99% crab, served with a light tarragon aioli and a vinegary tart cabbage salad. The crab cake ingredients are simply crab, a bit of bread crumbs (not much) and finely-chopped green onions with the tarragon aioli to hold everything together. We both started with crab cakes.

His nibs had Grilled Venison Leg with Chestnut Spaetzle and Cranberry Sauce. The spaetzle reminded me that I make spaetzle far too seldom. Spaetzle is comfort food for his nibs. The cranberry sauce was a smooth, not chunky, sauce with what might have been five-spice seasoning. Tasty. I had the special which was chicken stuffed with wild mushroms with a wild mushroom sauce. The chicken was juicy and flavorful. Delish. Both entrees came with seasonal vegetables. Mine had mashed potatoes. Takes a brave chef to put brussel sprouts on a plate. We happen to love brussel sprouts. We had a bottle of the Costa Vineyards Pinot Noir (MB serves only local county wines) with dinner.

For dessert, I chose a small glass of Esterlina port because I tend to get headaches if I eat sweet desserts after having wine with dinner. His nibs opted, with my encouragement, for the Candy Cap Mushroom Creme Brulee with Spicy Chocolate Bark. After one snitched taste from his serving, I kicked myself for deciding to have port instead of ordering the creme brulee. The dessert was perfect — a rich, smooth custard topped with burnt sugar, which you’d expect, but the addition of the Candy Cap mushrooms gave the dessert a subtle mapley-wintery-earthy taste that’s hard to describe.

This Is A Dessert Worthy Of Five Stars.

And Nicholas Petti was even nicer than he needed to be.

Next morning, our innkeeper served us coffee, squeezed orange juice and a breakfast frittata with slices of cantaloupe alongside. The frittata was excellent, a nice blend of bread, egg, sausage, apple and cinnamon. She served the frittata with a small jug of maple syrup, but honestly, it was sweet enough all on its own.

After breakfast, we headed north in the fog with me freaking out as we rounded curves on the highway at the edge of the coast. As the road got narrower, we turned around and came back to Fort Bragg through Inglenook and Cleone and then on to Caspar and Caspar South and the Point Cabrillo Lighthouse where we stopped a spell


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and walked down to the restored Point Cabrillo lighthouse


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and chatted with the volunteer there, then up to the museum in a former assistant lightkeeper’s house.


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The folks who restored and run the lighthouse and museum rent out one of the lightkeeper’s houses if you want to be away from it all. Not cheap, but what a getaway that would be!

From Point Cabrillo, we carried on to the Mendocino Headlands and Little River Beach and Big River Beach, then circled back to Mendocino for some holiday shopping. I found the perfect gift for one of our giftees.

We rested up a bit at the Country Inn before we headed out to dinner. The question was, did we want to eat elsewhere or were the crab cakes and Candy Cap mushroom creme brulee calling too loudly?

We walked into town, stopping in at the North Coast Brewing Company to sample some of their wares. Tuesday was $1 taco night and the tacos did smell yummy. The place was full of locals — a gang of six guys who seemed to be grabbing a dinner after work, two older couples, a couple sets of young couples. A guy at the bar had three glasses of Old Rasputin in front of him as he read MERCHANT OF DEATH. (Three glasses isn’t really =that= many as 10 oz is the largest glass of Old Rasputin they’ll serve.)

But in the end we couldn’t resist returning to Mendo Bistro. We both, again, had crab cakes for an appetizer. We both had the Candy Cap mushroom creme brulee for dessert. This evening, though, his nibs opted for the fish of the evening (yellowfin, iirc), grilled, with Dijon-Tarragon Cream. I had the Braised Short Ribs served with Root Vegetable Hash and brussel sprouts. We shared a bottle of Navarro Pinot Noir. Neither of us was disappointed with our choices. Far from it. We have not had anything but tasty food at Mendo Bistro and Nicholas serves up healthy portions as well. Yummy. Good value. Worth a trip north.

The next morning at the Country Inn, our innkeeper served baked eggs on a bed of artichoke hearts with sourdough toast and garlic-rosemary country-fried potatoes with coffee and fresh-squeezed orange juice.

I heartily recommend the Country Inn. Our room was comfortable and clean. If we’d wanted to indulge, there’s a hot tub out on the deck. It’s a short walk to the center of town and (of course) Mendo Bistro. The breakfasts were superb. We took advantage of the Inn’s special which we found on the Web: book two nights Sunday through Thursday and your room (without a fireplace) is $50/night. Wow.

We drove straight home on Wednesday because we had to be somewhere at 4:30p. — straight across 20 to Willits and then down 101 to San Francisco. Total time, including a stop for gasoline, three and a half hours.

Why don’t we do this more often?

December 1, 2007

Fluther: What is Fluther?

Filed under: app,resource,web2.0 — Towse @ 9:09 pm

Fluther: What is Fluther?

Cute Overload! :)

Filed under: blog,yikes — Towse @ 5:16 pm

Cute Overload! :)

The wonders of the Web. Why, I was just off reading In Praise of Sardines and Brett mentioned Cute Overload and I clicked through.

The world is cracked, you know? A bit of cute might help mend things.

Or not.

November 26, 2007

TechShop: Build Your Dreams Here

Filed under: design,life — Tags: , — Towse @ 11:52 pm

His nibs went down to Palo Alto today to help MHP get some “stuff” out of his basement and delivered to TechShop in Menlo Park, a Maker’s dreamland, a burner’s heaven.

Never heard of TechShop?

TechShop is a fully-equipped open-access workshop and creative environment that lets you drop in any time and work on your own projects at your own pace. It is like a health club with tools and equipment instead of exercise equipment…or a Kinko’s for geeks.

TechShop was founded in 2006 by Jim Newton, a lifetime maker, veteran BattleBots builder and former MythBuster.

TechShop is located in Menlo Park, California, on the San Francisco peninsula 25 miles south of San Francisco.
Anyone can come in and build and make all kinds of things themselves using the TechShop tools, machines and equipment, and draw on the TechShop instructors and experts to help them with their projects. TechShop is designed for everyone, regardless of their skill level. TechShop is perfect for inventors, “makers”, hackers, tinkerers, artists, roboteers, families, entrepreneurs, youth groups, FIRST robotic teams, arts and crafts enthusiasts, and anyone else who wants to be able to make things that they dream up but don’t have the tools, space or skills.

If this sounds like your piece of heaven, TechShop is open 9A->midnight, seven days a week.

Cost: Daily pass:$30 Monthly pass:$100 Annual pass:$1200 (except they’re having a sale just now.) The Annual and Monthly passes allow you to reserve time on specific pieces of equipment. The Annual pass allows you to reserve equipment up to two weeks in advance. The Monthly pass allows you to reserve equipment up to a day in advance. If you buy a multiple-months pass, you can reserve equipment for multiple days in advance. e.g. If you buy a five-month pass, you can reserve equipment up to five days in advance. If you buy a seven-month pass, you can reserve equipment up to seven days in advance.

TechShop gives classes on how to use the equipment. Some pieces of equipment =require= you to take a class before you are allowed to use the equipment.

Check it out.

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