Towse: views from the hill

January 22, 2008

What a waste. How much did this cost?

Filed under: life,politics,San Francisco — Towse @ 10:02 pm

We received our primary absentee voter ballots in the mail ten days or more ago. The ballots were the “unaffiliated” or whatever it is non-partisan ballots.

Well, we’d both requested to vote in the Democratic primary. What’s up with this? So we waited. And waited. And finally called the Registrar at the end of last week to ask what’s up and were told “Oh. The Democratic absentee ballots are just getting mailed.”

OK. So this means we got one ballot for the propositions and one ballot for the primary. That doesn’t make much sense but whatever …

Today we got our Democratic absentee ballots in the mail … along with a note that our previous ballots have been canceled and won’t be counted and we should tear them up and dispose of them.

Turns out the sharp as a tack folks down at the Registrar sent out who-knows-how-many unaffiliated non-partisan ballots to decline-to-state absentee voters who’d requested Democratic primary ballots. They then had to enter all the barcodes for the ballots that had been sent in error so that the system won’t count them, write up a nice note, print up the extra ballot work and … send out Democratic ballots to those voters.

How much is this flub going to cost?

And whose watch did it happen on?

Enquiring minds …

Letter from Birmingham Jail

Filed under: history,politics — Tags: , , — Towse @ 3:38 am

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Day, I reprise a view from the Hill.

Read the post and the Letter from Birmingham Jail. (the “letter” on the blog post is 404).

January 21, 2008

Duende Travel

Filed under: design,travel,webstuff — Towse @ 6:34 am

Duende Travel

Coming along, eh?

Pretty pictures. Content. Near to finished except for “useful information” and “links.” The “booking form” is off to Peter for vetting.

Paying forward.

Personal blurb: Peter Watson and Duende Travel are like the best. The food and wine are always great. There’s a lot of thought behind the itinerary.

There are gem moments: The hotel bar in Derry (North Ireland) — just John Hume, his nibs and me. He’d sung Danny Boy to all of us during his lecture, but the others had gone back to rooms or whatever. Would you go back to your room while John Hume was hanging out? Or would you hang out too?

Drizzly picnic lunch in the ruins on Iona (Scotland).

Drying out from a soaking in the rain in a sheepherder’s hut in Andalucia (Spain).

Petrarch’s last home in Arquà Petrarca (Italy) and his cat’s skeleton … maybe …

Walking in van Gogh’s footsteps in Arles (France).

Hiking up the slopes of Vulcano (Sicily).

The Long Room at Trinity College, Dublin. (died and gone to Heaven)

… So many memories. So many good times.

Peter cares about where he takes you. He wants to make sure you understand the locale and the people. And the food. And the wine. And the history.

The walks are memorable. The views, the food, the wine, the settings, the memories are sublime.

‘nough said? There’s a reason I’m fussing over his Web site. …

January 17, 2008

The Library of Congress Adds Photos To Flickr, Encourages Tagging

Filed under: blog,history,photographs — Towse @ 3:21 am

The Library of Congress Adds Photos To Flickr, Encourages Tagging

This is very very cool news.

[via Laughing Squid, natch.]

January 16, 2008

Daily Kos: Books for the End of the World As We Know It

Filed under: blog,books — Towse @ 7:24 am

Daily Kos: Steering into the skid: Books for the End of the World.

Be sure to read the comments.

January 15, 2008

Looking very grumpy …

Filed under: culture,food,life,San Francisco — Towse @ 7:04 am

Went to a Vintners’ Club event at the Bankers’ Club on 08Jan. … a pinot tasting.


We went because his nibs lurves pinot noir and because David Bruce was going to speak.

One of his nibs’ students at UCSB (who grew up just a stone skip from the bucolic ville we used to call home) is someone with whom we still hang out and whose ballpark tickets HipLiz sometimes buys.

This guy, as a teenager, spent his weekends at his dermatologist’s Santa Cruz mountains home (dermatologist being Dr. David), digging dirt to plant the vines that became David Bruce’s foray into pinot making.

Here’s me looking very grumpy … ah… focussed.

Look at those glasses! We had twelve pinot noirs to taste. They were lined up and poured before we came in: six up, six down.

I am such a naïf. I could say, “Here are my top three. Here is my least favorite.”

Ask me to rate the intermediate eight wines, given forty-five minutes?

No can do.

But we had fun. …

Each person (who wanted) sent in their scores.

Each table put together their tasting notes.

The guy clockwise plus one was the winemaker for one of the wines being tasted (Domaine Chandon Reserve. Russian River Valley) and served as table chair.

I’d rated his wine [2] but the accumulated crowd wasn’t so generous.

The experience was interesting. What was really interesting was looking at the accumulated scores. Here’s a top scorer: five people rated it #1; five people rated it #2; six people rated it #12.


It really is all about what you like in a wine.


So for the Vintners’ Club events, you rate the wines you’re tasting with no regard to what your spouse, best friend or most erudite wine snob might think.

Then you go ’round the table and seat#2 says, “This was my favorite wine because …” and everyone else goes round and says “Well … this is what I thought of the wine …”

Next person (seat #3) says, “This was my favorite wine because …” (or my least favorite wine or my second favorite wine because someone else already mentioned my favorite wine.) …

… until all the twelve wines have been discussed.

David Bruce (the gentleman on the left in the photo)… scored highest when the overall wine scores were totted up, and well he should.

We had a splendid time.

Afterwards, we said farewell to the amazing views from the Bankers Club and said farewell to our co-conspirators and headed up hill and home, stopping off at Boccadillos on Montgomery for some tasty pig parts before we walked the rest of the way … home

January 13, 2008

Barrymore’s A Christmas Carol — mp3

Filed under: culture,life,URL — Towse @ 5:15 am

Every Christmas as the younger guys were growing up, we listened to Lionel Barrymore as Scrooge on an old family record (later xfered to cassette tape the year I gave a tape copy to each of my living siblings).

The older younger guy’s partner had heard about this tradition but the two of them were never over for Christmas Eve and he only knew of the practice from being subjected to “a blot of mustard, a bit of undigested beef” sorts of “God bless us. Every one!” riffs.

Christmas Eve 2006 they stayed with us (so we could all head off the next day to my younger brother’s home for Christmas festivities) but that year we couldn’t track down a sound system to play the tape and didn’t have a record player in the house to play the record.

Finally, this last just past Christmas, the older younger one’s partner finally was over for Christmas Eve and got to sit down and listen en famille to the Barrymore do his Scrooge.

And a wonderful Scrooge he is.

Just got a note that the older younger guy’s partner had found a Barrymore Christmas Carol at the Internet Archive.

And there it is! The Christmas Carol I’ve listened to every Christmas Eve since I was knee-high to a grasshopper.

Barrymore’s A Christmas Carol — mp3

The Web is a wonder. …

(God bless us. Every one!)

January 11, 2008

The image cannot be displayed, because it contains errors

Filed under: app,design,photographs,travel,webstuff — Towse @ 11:00 pm

The image cannot be displayed, because it contains errors

Seems Firefox was complaining because some of the .jpgs Duende sent — which I was trying to add to the site — were in CMYK (print) instead of RGB (screen display). Makes sense. Duende’d sent the photos used in prior years’ brochures.

Turns out ’tis simple enough to pull the .jpg into Photoshop. Go to the Image pulldown menu IMAGE->MODE and save the JPG as RGB instead of CMYK.

And Bob’s your uncle.

Would that most of the world’s problems were so easily handled.

January 9, 2008

The top 12 ‘Top 10′ lists of 2007 / Best movies? Music? Look elsewhere. Here’s the real list to help digest the year gone by

Filed under: San Francisco,webstuff,writing — Towse @ 11:14 pm

The top 12 'Top 10' lists of 2007

Brilliant set of links from Mark Morford.

The World Question Center — 2008

Filed under: life,people,writing — Towse @ 10:54 pm

The World Question Center — 2008:

So far, 165 contributors, including Alan Alda, John Baez, Greg Benford, Aubrey de Grey, Ricahrd Dawkins, Ray Kurzweil, J Craig Venter …

Interesting …

e.g. Stewart Brand


The message finally got through. Good old stuff sucks. Sticking with the fine old whatevers is like wearing 100% cotton in the mountains; it’s just stupid.

Give me 100% not-cotton clothing, genetically modified food (from a farmers’ market, preferably), this-year’s laptop, cutting-edge dentistry and drugs.

The Precautionary Principle tells me I should worry about everything new because it might have hidden dangers. The handwringers should worry more about the old stuff. It’s mostly crap.

(New stuff is mostly crap too, of course. But the best new stuff is invariably better than the best old stuff.)

[via Mark Morford]

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