Pfizer: Graffiti | Creativity Online
If you can watch this through to the end without a tear. …
Pfizer: Graffiti | Creativity Online
If you can watch this through to the end without a tear. …
Sergey Brin Has Genetic Code Linked to Parkinson’s: [NYTimes article] … found after having his genetic makeup analyzed by 23andMe, a biotechnology start-up co-founded by his wife, Anne Wojcicki.
So, would you want to know? Or not?
MoJo Photo Blog: Aryan Outfitters: “Coming from five generations of Ku Klux Klan members, 58-year-old ‘Ms. Ruth’ sews hoods and robes for Klan members seven days a week, blessing each one when it’s done.”
The Web is a wonder.
An Updated Analysis of the 2008 Presidential Candidates’ Tax Plans: Revised August 15, 2008 — the Tax Policy Center
Deets [PDF]
Below is yet another tax plan analysis chart, this one from Freakanomics.
This graph is weighted to show the percentage of tax revenue from each group and whether that percentage will rise or fall under each plan.
[via another tweet from Tim O’Reilly]
From Viveka Weiley at chartjunk, a rework of the McCain/Obama Tax Plans chart (that’s one for you, nineteen for me) showing the differences between the Republican and Democrat tax cut proposals.
This version of the chart weights the income brackets so a bracket with more tax payers is larger than a bracket with fewer tax payers.
Save that thought.
Maureen Dowd – ‘Barbies for War!’ – Op-Ed
The rant begins thusly,
Carly Fiorina, the woman John McCain sent out to defend Sarah Palin and rip anyone who calls her a tabula rasa on foreign policy and the economy, admitted Tuesday that Palin was not capable of running Hewlett-Packard.
That’s pretty damning coming from Fiorina, who also was not capable of running Hewlett-Packard.
Hoo boy. And it continues. …
Mom’s gone home.
Big, boisterous, raucous family of eight now consists of three siblings.
Fourth of six children is now oldest of three remaining family members, by two years.
Not what I expected, growing up.
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