Towse: views from the hill

September 27, 2008

Gorgeous time lapse

Filed under: San Francisco,video — Towse @ 8:36 pm

Twin Peaks San Francisco Sunrise from Chad Richard on Vimeo.

Or click through to Vimeo. Poke around while you’re there. That’s how I found this.

(I’d visited to watch Sarah Silverman’s THE GREAT SCHLEP. Caution: THE GREAT SCHLEP is not safe for work)

September 26, 2008

Anderson Cooper panel: McCain move called misstep

Filed under: election2008,video — Towse @ 8:29 pm

CNN video: McCain move called misstep

Ed Rollins, Gloria Borger, Paul Begala talk with Anderson Cooper.

Begala says, “Bush is a high-functioning moron.” Yikes.

But even Ed Rollins isn’t too fond of McCain, it seems.

Election 2008 | powered by Twitter

Filed under: election2008,web2.0 — Tags: — Towse @ 8:10 pm

Election 2008 | powered by Twitter

For those who are easily amused. A Twitterfeed.

Twitter is pulling out all tweets that are election-related, mention Obama, McCain, Palin, &c.

The screen scrolls by with right, left, smart, not-so-smart, snarky, clever, clueless. Just like the American public, only in 140 characters or less.

September 24, 2008

Book Bay, a dangerous pleasure

Filed under: books,libraries,life — Towse @ 2:13 am

After meeting with two flooring contractors for bids (and calling a third to meet up with tomorrow), we headed over to Book Bay at Fort Mason (the Friends of the San Francisco Library used book store) to look for a copy of Gibbons’ DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE — a special request from the younger niblet.

Couldn’t find a copy, but did find several other books I wanted as well as fourteen books on the $.50 (3/$1) table. Couldn’t find a fifteenth, but the staff gave me a deal.

With my Friends of the Library discount and one of the “extra 25% off” coupons they give you when you renew your annual membership, I got 35% off my purchase: eighteen books for $15.60.


Talking it over with his nibs, I realized I should just rummage through the book boxes labeled HISTORY and pick one of the duplicates that isn’t an old, old copy. His nibs remembers having a copy his Aunt Burta bought used back in the first quarter of the last century. I know I had a 2v. copy when I was in my late teens and we probably have other editions as well. I’ll find a good — but not valuable — copy to send. I’m assuming that any book I send to Ukraine will not be coming home in 2010, and I’d hate to have the younger niblet worry about damaging a book I held dear.

Nice trip to Book Bay, though.

September 23, 2008

AQUA – Autumn Mushroom Tasting Menu

Filed under: food,restaurants — Towse @ 6:50 pm

AQUA – Autumn Mushroom Tasting Menu


Clean out your space. Read something beautiful.

Filed under: lifehacks,people,URL — Towse @ 5:42 pm

Make your life good. Invest in what’s real. Cook a meal for someone you love. Pause before reacting. Clean out your space. Read something beautiful. Treat yourself to something. Go to a city you’ve never been to. Learn something new. Don’t be lazy. Workout and stick with it. GOOP. Make it great.”

– Gwyneth Paltrow. Intro to her new lifestyle Web site: GOOP. Not much there yet, but I loved this intro.

The Living Room Candidate – Presidential Campaign Commercials 1952-2008

Filed under: history,video — Tags: , , — Towse @ 3:47 pm

The Living Room Candidate – Presidential Campaign Commercials 1952-2008

Amazing dance back in time. 1952. A good year.

[via Andrew Tobias]

September 22, 2008

Andrew Tobias – Money and Other Subjects

Filed under: blog,election2008,financeconomics — Towse @ 10:16 pm

I’d forgotten how much I enjoy Tobias’ writing. He’s the guy who, writing about being financially conservative and saving $$$ years back, suggested buying toilet paper and tuna on sale and stashing them for later use.

Bright guy.

His Web site and blog: Andrew Tobias – Money and Other Subjects

September 21, 2008

Yes. We. Can

Filed under: election2008 — Towse @ 4:32 am

A fine video: Barack Obama – Yes. We. Can from sea to shining sea.

September 20, 2008

43 Folders: Time, Attention, and Creative Work | 43 Folders

Filed under: blog,life,lifehacks — Towse @ 4:20 pm

Merlin Mann takes back

But, if you want a “site about GTD,” “a blog about index cards,” or a wide-mouthed sluice of recycled links to lists of geegaws that will keep you momentarily distracted from how sad you are, then you’re wasting both of our time here. So, go. You’re stinking up the joint.

This is now a site for people who want to finish things that they care about — but who still occasionally need help, inspiration, and the courage to push all the bullshit off their work table. This is about clearing that space every day, and then using it to do cool stuff that makes you proud.

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