Towse: views from the hill

October 3, 2008


Filed under: maps,URL — Towse @ 7:14 pm


“MapTube is a free resource for viewing, sharing, mixing and mashing maps online. Created by UCL’s Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, users can select any number of maps to overlay and view.”

Love maps. This site’s brill.

Map of the Week this week is Big Mac Index, which graphs (in 2007 prices) the price of a Big Mac in various countries across the globe.

UK tilt because of the UCL connection.

Site reference came via links sent on to me from Dan Goodman’s delicious bookmarks. Thanks, Dan, for all of ‘em.

October 2, 2008

British Battles – analysing and documenting British Battles from the previous centuries

Filed under: history,resource,URL — Towse @ 12:59 am

British Battles – analysing and documenting British Battles from the previous centuries

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Interesting site: from Hastings through the Boer Wars.

October 1, 2008

House of the Week: Built for Art

Filed under: California,real estate,yikes — Towse @ 2:47 am

House of the Week: Built for Art

Have art? Have I got a place for you.

Holmby Hills. (Think crusty Bing Crosby neighborhood. Aaron Spelling, Tori’s über rich dad, bought the Crosby estate and scraped it to build a home for his oversized ego. 46K sq ft. 123 rooms. That kind of neighborhood.)

3BED 5BA (and a powder room!)

11K sq ft


Check out pic 6/7. Designer designed an ugly bedroom, eh?

[WSJ via Curbed SF]

The Last Tour by Wm. Finnegan

Filed under: history,people,writing — Towse @ 1:55 am

The Last Tour by Wm. Finnegan. A New Yorker essay on brothers Travis and Willard Twiggs. Their lives. Their deaths.

Sad, sad, sad.

“I just don’t get that. I’m having a real hard time with it. I can’t believe he would leave me, can’t believe he would leave us, leave our girls.”

She took more deep breaths. “But he really left us a long time ago. He tried to come back. But he couldn’t. That was not my husband out there.”

September 30, 2008

Reverse Graffiti Project

Filed under: art,graphics,San Francisco,video — Towse @ 6:02 pm

Reverse Graffiti Project, April 2008, Broadway Tunnel, San Francisco.

Brilliant, but … if the work hadn’t been pretty, it would’ve been just as snarly as those folks who spray paint crappy letters on walls.

Good ad for the green cleaner used.

[via Sour Grapes' shared items in Google Reader]

September 29, 2008 Choice is clear: Obama for president

Filed under: election2008,politics — Towse @ 4:24 pm Choice is clear: Obama for president

Stockton Record. Yes, I know. Not one of the big fish, but this is the first time the Record has endorsed a Democrat since Roosevelt in 1936.

Mike Klock, Record Editor, explains why.

Marty Kaplan: Why the Debates Won’t Matter (Hint: It’s a Felony)

Filed under: election2008,politics — Towse @ 4:14 pm

Marty Kaplan: Why the Debates Won't Matter (Hint: It's a Felony)

Troubling. Is someone tracking down truth and lies on this?

September 28, 2008

Election Pie Party

Filed under: election2008,food,life — Towse @ 7:03 am

The younger niblet is far away. (His mom and dad miss him.)

We talked with him today over a spotty line that probably is Skype’d over to that end of the world and then fed into his cell phone/Handy. Who knows who taps in from here (Hi, Tony!) or there (Hi to you too, Yuri!)

The younger nib said he’s hoping to have a party. Where he is is ten hours off from us. If we call him at ten in the morning, it’s eight in the evening there.

So, he’s planning a party to watch the election results in November at another PCV’s place. This PCV has access to a big screen TV. Our niblet is homesick for pies. The plan is to get pies made and brought over, to sit in front of the big screen TV and to watch the American election results and hooray! or commiserate over the results.

Pie will be involved, though. No matter if the wrong party wins and the world comes to an end, the niblet will have pies and the companionship of friends.

I think that works.

[SNL] Sarah Palin’s Interview with Katie Couric

Filed under: election2008,politics,video — Towse @ 6:45 am

Tina Fey is a geeenyus.

And, oh, hey. That person doing her Katie Couric imitation isn’t half-bad either.

[SNL] Sarah Palin’s Interview with Katie Couric

September 27, 2008

John Graham-Cumming: Countries younger than John McCain

Filed under: history,travel — Towse @ 8:46 pm

John Graham-Cumming: Countries younger than John McCain


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