Just realized when checking the program schedule for Bouchercon that although I (rightly) booked Oct 8 – 13 for the hotel — and booked early enough this year to actually get in the convention hotel — my frequent-flyer tickets are for the 9th and I’m arriving late afternoon, so I’ll miss the first day. Don’t know how that mixup happened.
Double drat because I’d already begun ratcheting up my “maybe I don’t want to go after all” “who really will I know” misgivings and this almost completely derailed me.
I’ve recovered. I’ll call the hotel and tell them I won’t be there until the 9th.
But drat anyway.
Update: His nibs, being the sweet feller he is, called Delta and asked how much it would cost to change my tickets from Thursday 7A to Wednesday and they said, $100. So, his nibs, being the sweet feller he is, changed the tickets. Bless his heart. Plane leaves at 6A Wednesday and xfers through Atlanta, then on to Baltimore.
Lovely clouds. With luck we’ll have more rain. With luck the weather cleared up and stayed sunny in bucolic Kern County, CA, for first-cousin-once-removed Davy’s wedding this afternoon.
This is the time of year when the cruise ships move south for the winter, from Alaska routes to Mexican routes. Our ville is a stop off point and has been having heavy cruise ship activity (sometimes three berths in use) for the last month or so.
Jeff Pardi of San Rafael, CA, caught the fish in July and was declared the winner of the $45K prize when the derby closed on the last day of September, Tuesday.
Picture of fish in the article.
That’s a big fish. I didn’t know halibut got that big!
Excellent vid — chock full o’ celebrities — for www.declareyourself.com and a plea to us’ns and thems to REGISTER TO VOTE.
Some voter registration deadlines are tomorrow! October 4th! and if you aren’t registered to vote by then, you can’t vote in the upcoming elections!
Some um. language makes this an only-on-the-Web phenom.
Well done.
Are you registered to vote? If not, and you are eligible and if you even just maybe kinda think that come next month you may be wanting to vote, register now! Watch the vid (or not), and hie over to www.declareyourself.com.
If you aren’t sure if you are already registered, check here. If you didn’t vote in the last presidential election or any election since, you are almost most certainly no longer registered to vote. That’s the way it works. Don’t vote in a presidential? Off the rolls. Haven’t re-registered and voted since? You’re still off the rolls. Have you moved since you registered? You need to re-register.
Register. Now.
(And all that bilge that the only resource used to call people for jury duty is the voter rolls so if you don’t want to be called for jury duty, you shouldn’t vote? Not so. California uses the drivers license registry and other resources. The bilge that you can’t register to vote where you are if you’re a student from somewhere else? That’s bilge as well. Register. Vote.)