Towse: views from the hill

October 25, 2008 Map of Newspaper Endorsements for 2008 US Election

Filed under: election2008,news — Towse @ 8:19 pm

Map of Newspaper Endorsements for 2008 US Election

Blue/Red, depending on whether the Democrat or Republican candidate earned the endorsement.

Size of circle indicates circulation size. If the circle’s perimeter is a darker shade, it means the newspaper endorsed the “other” party’s candidate in 2004.

Interesting visual.

The blog post that accompanies the map.

October 24, 2008

Ron Howard’s Call To Action

Filed under: election2008,video — Towse @ 2:21 am

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Opie, Andy, and the Fonz want you to vote for Obama.

October 23, 2008

Ten Tips on a Good Blog Entry

Filed under: blog,writing — Towse @ 6:16 pm

NCTE Inbox Blog: Tips on a Good Blog Entry

# Choose an attention-getting and accurate title.
Like a newspaper headline, a good blog title draws readers in. It’s your chance to convince a reader to take a look at what you’ve written. But no bait-and-switch! Make sure that your title reflects the content of the entry.

# State your opinion clearly.
Take a stand and make it clear. Your blog isn’t the place for meandering. If your opinion isn’t appropriate for the general public, choose a different subject. If you wouldn’t stand up in front of your colleagues and share your opinion, don’t post it on your blog.

# Back things up with specific stories and examples.
Once you state your opinion, explain it. Share stories or examples that show why you hold your opinion. The advice we give students applies: Show. Don’t Tell!

and seven more.

NCTE: National Council of Teachers of English

via a Lester Smith tweet.

Imperial History of the Middle East

Filed under: history,maps,resource — Towse @ 1:00 am

Imperial History of the Middle East [SWF] … all that world history you’ve forgotten but probably would be better off remembering right now.

The Web is a wonder.

October 21, 2008

Let’s fly, let’s fly away.

Filed under: photographs — Tags: , , , — Towse @ 4:39 pm


Posted by Picasa

I’ve voted. Have you?

Filed under: election2008,life,politics,San Francisco — Towse @ 6:12 am

“And it seems that the worse McCain is doing in the polls, the more his team is relying on the same gutter tactics. So over the next 15 days, look for the McCain campaign to become even uglier. That’s what happens when following Rovian politics is your only strategy — and Rovian politics isn’t working.”

Happy to be out of it. Glad my vote is winging its way to City Hall.

We had
(1) the Presidential election to vote on
(2) The US House of Reps (Cindy Sheehan or Nancy Pelosi? Hm.)
(3) Our local state assembly critter
(4) Our school board.
(5) Our college board.
(6) Our District 3 Supervisor to replace Aaron Peskin. (Nine candidates running. Ranked voting returns.)
(7) Superior Court judge
(8) Twelve state propositions, including Proposition 8.
(9) City-wide measures A-V (that would be um. a-b-c-d-…twenty-two city-wide measures) including Measure R (“Renaming the Oceanside Water Treatment Plant to the George W Bush Sewage Plant” Sophomoric? You betcha!) and Measure V. (“Policy Against Terminating Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) Programs in Public High Schools” … Shall it be City policy to encourage the School Board to reverse its decision to terminate JROTC and to continue to offer JROTC in San Francisco public high schools?) and Measure E (“Changing the Number of Signatures Required to Recall City Officials”) and Measure K (“Shall the City: stop enforcing laws against prostitution; stop funding or supporting the First Offender Prostitution Program or any similar anti-prostitution program; enforce existing criminal laws that prohibit crimes such as battery, extortion and rape, regardless of the victim’s status as a sex worker; and fully disclose the investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against sex workers?”)

Have I mentioned I think twelve state-wide propositions and twenty-two City measures seem to be public policy run amok? More thoughts on this in a later post.

October 19, 2008

SPUR VOTER GUIDE November 2008

Filed under: election2008,politics — Towse @ 2:32 am

SPUR VOTER GUIDE November 2008

I may not always agree with SPUR’s election picks, but they are thoughtful picks and the reasoning behind them is laid out for all to see.

Haven’t voted in the California and San Francisco elections yet? Check out the SPUR guide.

… and vote NO on Prop 8.

[SPUR doesn't give you an opinion on Prop 8. If the folks working on the Voter Guide decisions can't all wholeheartedly support one position, they don't cover that proposition.]

Vote for Hope

Filed under: election2008,politics,video — Towse @ 1:48 am

Obama ’08 – Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.

This is the first presidential election with YouTube videos prepared by passionate supporters on both sides, the first presidential election with political blogs and political Web sites setup and maintained by supporters, the first presidential election that will be influenced, at times greatly, by the Web.

Sit back. Watch.

October 8, 2008

Laughing Squid has something for you.

Filed under: election2008,shopshopshop — Towse @ 4:31 am

Powazek has a t-shirt you might be interested in.

Off I go again.

Filed under: life,mystery,San Francisco,travel,writing — Towse @ 4:09 am

This time to Baltimore and Bouchercon.

Have to be at the airport by 5A, which means up by 4A in order to get some espresso in my system.

Walked down the hill tonight for a gathering to talk about our neighborhood community center, Tel-Hi. Our friend Donna is the development director. She spends her days raising money for the center. Another friend, Gail, is on the board and spoke tonight and sent e-mails to people she knew on the invite list, saying you must come, will I see you there.

Met some nice people. Bumped into some old friends. The hosts had a Dali on their wall, a portrait of the wife at age maybe eight twelve with her mother. A definite Dali, but no melting watches or weirdnesses. Wonderful place filled with interesting stuff.

Wonderful place. Genuine people. Good cause.

We — well, I — missed the debate. We walked down the hill and over to the gathering and I could hear Obama’s voice coming out of open windows as neighbors watched the debate we’d jettisoned in order to support a good cause. I’m sure I’ll be able to pick up on what happened at the debate some time between now and when the next debate happens.

See you ’round some time after I get back. I get back late Monday. Give me at least Tuesday to veg out on the couch and restore my social equilibrium.

His nibs will be home for Fleet Week and the Blue Angels, but I’ll miss all that. C’est la vie.

Baltimore here I come.

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