Towse: views from the hill

October 28, 2008

Singing skull

Filed under: web2.0,yikes — Tags: , — Towse @ 11:50 pm

Singing skull [MAKE magazine blog post on the project]

And a vid of the actual skull singing!

Some people have waaaaay too much time on their hands.

[via a tweet from Make Magazine]

Linkbait: what it is, tips & tricks

Filed under: blog,technology,web2.0 — Towse @ 11:39 pm

Linkbait: what it is, tips & tricks

A round-up article. Blog? Care about SEO? Much? Huiskes’ article on Linkbait is a good overview w/ tips & tricks.

People in the Middle for Obama

Filed under: election2008,politics,video — Towse @ 9:13 pm

Seven videos from People in the Middle for Obama


Filed under: music,video,web2.0 — Towse @ 1:59 am

MTV MUSIC – I Want My MTV, a very clean, very simple, good looking site full of music videos and only music videos. Lots of older, classic stuff, too, like one of our favorites, Dire Straits’ “Money For Nothing.”

The site looks good and, in our limited testing, works great. And like Hulu, MTV also (smartly) lets you embed their videos on your blog, MySpace or Facebook profile, Tumblr, etc. (see below). It also has the requisite “social” functions like comments, rating up/down, etc.

[via Huffington Post]

October 27, 2008

RIP Tony Hillerman

Filed under: people,writers — Tags: , — Towse @ 5:58 pm

Tony Hillerman has died at age 83.

My favorite memory of him was his appearance as guest at the first fundraiser dinner for (what now is known as) the Foundation for Monterey County Free Libraries back in the early nineties. The Foundation had originally asked Robert Campbell to be guest speaker but Campbell answered (hashhish remembering here) something to the effect that Campbell really wasn’t so hot with the public speaking thing. If he had been good at it, Campbell said, he probably would’ve chosen a vocation other than writing. But he knew this guy. …

Hillerman signed one of my hardback first editions before the dinner and kept the audience laughing during dinner with his dry wit and self deprecating stories of bloopers he’d made and his life as a writer. Hillerman all-in-all proved to be a generous, charming, raconteur sort of a guy.

Hillerman did a lot for the mystery-writing community and writers in general, a lot for libraries and readers. He earned the Grand Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Talking mysteries : a conversation with Tony Hillerman and Seldom Disappointed: A Memoir are excellent introductions to Hillerman the writer and his writing.

Hillerman’s writing evoked the Southwest. His mysteries were appreciated by the Navajo nation because of his depictions of and respect for the native culture. The Navajo Tribal Council honored him with its Special Friend of the Dineh award in 1987.

He was one of a kind.


FYI. "The Comcast Newsgroups service has been discontinued."

Filed under: news,webstuff — Towse @ 5:54 pm


“The Comcast Newsgroups service has been discontinued. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have already signed up for Comcast Newsgroups, please be aware that this service will be discontinued on 10/25/2008.”

A list of links to Public news servers

And (for a price!) by-golly! Giganews (which had been providing Usenet services for Comcast) will provide service for you too!

October 26, 2008


Filed under: news,photographs — Tags: — Towse @ 6:11 am


Our Zeppelin has arrived!

More news

Posted by Picasa

Itzhak Perlman: Vote NO on Proposition 8

Filed under: culture,election2008,legal,video — Towse @ 5:40 am

“The Constitution of California currently sees all of our children and grandchildren as equal … Why would you change that?”

October 25, 2008

2048 – There was a country

Filed under: election2008,politics,video — Towse @ 9:33 pm

2048 – There was a country

Wow. Just wow.

And from there go to other 2048- titles on YouTube:
There was a country!
There was an environment!
There was a unity!
There was a freedom!
There was a dream!

There is still a future!

This is an election like no other and YouTube is having an influence that no one would have imagined four years ago. Some stunning creative work online.

The background music and shooting technique put me in mind of V FOR VENDETTA. I don’t know why.

YouTube – A Poem For The Youth Voter

Filed under: election2008,video — Towse @ 8:35 pm

YouTube – A Poem For The Youth Voter

Yes. We. Did.

The Web is a wonder. Here’s a GOTV video addressed to the youngsters who might get complacent and stay home “on the sofa, watchin’ Oprah” instead of voting.


Go vote, if there’s early voting in your precinct. Last thing you want is for something to come up on election day — broken down car, boss wanting you to work late, food poisoning — and miss voting.

Vote now.

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