Towse: views from the hill

November 2, 2008

Election 2008 – some fun from Peter Seibel @ Gigamonkeys

Filed under: app,election2008,mashup — Towse @ 4:22 pm

Election 2008 – some fun

dashboard periodically fetches the market price of Intrade’s state-by-state election markets, which represent the probability, as assessed by the Intrade traders, that a given candidate will win a given state. From those probabilities I compute the overall probability of various scenarios and color the map appropriate shades of blue and red. I also provide some dials and knobs (sliders) actually, to allow you to play some real-time “what if” games with the results.

[via a tweet from Tim O’Reilly]

You betcha!

Filed under: election2008,life — Towse @ 5:37 am

You know the thing that maybe bugs me most?

I can never say, “You betcha” without thinking of Sarah Palin.

(His nibs and I said ‘you betcha’ more often than I’d realized … not realizing we were mocking a potential vice-presidential candidate to be.


Now I can’t say “You betcha” without thinking of Sarah Palin.


November 1, 2008

Vote NO on Proposition 8, redux.

Filed under: California,election2008,politics — Towse @ 11:59 pm

Jerry Sanders, Republican Mayor of San Diego and former Chief of Police, made this statement a year ago September, explaining why he would not veto a council resolution supporting marriage equality, even though he’d run on an anti-gay-marriage platform.

Even up to the day before the press statement, when the resolution was passed, Sanders still fully intended to veto it.

He changed his mind and chokes up while explaining why to the cameras and reporters.

He mentions that his daughter is gay, as are members of his staff, and he found that he couldn’t veto the resolution and tell them “they were less important, less worthy or less deserving of the rights and responsibilities of marriage.”

“In the end, I couldn’t look any of them in the face and tell them that their relationships, their very lives, were any less meaningful than the marriage I share with my wife, Rana”

Words well said, and worth listening to on the eve of the election.

Vote NO on Proposition 8.

[via Andrew Sullivan. The Daily Dish]

So now at least I know how many electoral college votes there are

Filed under: election2008,politics — Towse @ 8:09 pm

My enduring thanks this election cycle to Nate Silver.

Due to his fabulous (and aptly named) Web site (your home to all you would ever need to know about the political polls for the 2008 Presidential election), I may now be able to remember how many electoral college votes there are

     five thirty eight

and, with simple arithmetic, how many votes Obama/McCain need to win ((538/2)+1)=270.

If you haven’t visited before, hie thee immediately over to and check out Nate’s prognostications and his reasoning behind them. is that good.

And thanks, Nate.

Love Story–Gold Winner: Los Muertos

Filed under: life,people,writing — Towse @ 12:07 am

Best Travel Writing – Love Story–Gold Winner: Los Muertos

Lovely story and timely with its Día de los Muertos theme.

[via a link from James O’Reilly’s twitterfeed]

October 31, 2008

Esquire Endorses Barack Obama for President

Filed under: election2008,politics — Towse @ 11:57 pm

For the first time in seventy-five years ESQUIRE makes a presidential endorsement: Esquire Endorses Barack Obama for President

Writing about the Esquire endorsement and the very lucid (and chilling) view ESQUIRE has of a McCain presidency, Andrew Sullivan writes in the Atlantic, Yes, something profound is at stake on Tuesday..

October 30, 2008

YouTube – Charles Meets Barack

Filed under: election2008,video — Towse @ 1:59 am

YouTube – Charles Meets Barack

“Everybody my age, they’re dying off. … these young people … they are really a united people [the volunteers] and that’s what this country needs right now.”

October 29, 2008

Etsy :: Oven Mitts

Filed under: culture,shopshopshop,writing — Towse @ 1:20 am

Etsy :: Oven Mitts

The perfect gift for your literary friends … with a warped sense of humor.

Chris Buckley on Rush Limbaugh at The Daily Beast

Filed under: people,politics,writing — Towse @ 12:50 am

Chris Buckley on Rush Limbaugh at the Daily Beast.

Hoo boy.


As these words were going out over the Excellence in Broadcasting network, my father’s corpse was still warm. It was a day of passions, I know, and things get said in the heat of passion. But reading these words, in the cooler air of October—not that this October has been devoid of passion—well, as me old mater might say, I found them a bit…de trop.

That’s French for “a bit much,” and I’m putting it that way by way of stipulating that I am a card-carrying member of the Eastern seaboard, proletarian-despising media elite. My idea of roughage is arugula. I have not to date tasted moose meat and hope never to, unless it is served to me at La Grenouille, by Charles Masson, personally and under glass. As for politics, we elites have always inclined toward the black candidate who grew up with a single mother on food stamps, as opposed to the third-generation Annapolis cadet.

I am having these pensées (more French, learned at an elite New England boarding school) about el Rushbo because a few days ago, following my J’accuse! (okay, okay, I’ll cut it out)—following my “I’m voting for Barack” teachable moment in this space, I received, amidst other howls of outrage and a pink slip from NR, formal notification that I had arrived, career-wise. It took the form of a headline:



Well, you can mock Christopher Buckley, but reap your whirlwind, sir.

Excerpts of Seven Year-Old Obama Interview Cause Stir

Filed under: election2008,legal,politics,video — Towse @ 12:38 am

City Room™ – Politics – Excerpts of Seven Year-Old Obama Interview Cause Stir

In 2001, Chicago Public Radio interviewed then Illinois State Senator Barack Obama about civil rights. Over the weekend, someone posted excerpts of the interview, edited to misrepresent Obama’s statements. The item is now catching national attention.

Click here for Obama’s full interviews.

The clips are taken from an interview that aired in January of 2001. Then State Senator Obama is one of three legal scholars interviewed for a show about civil rights. Over the weekend, someone pulled excerpts of the show and posted them to You Tube—and today, the posting caught fire on political blogs, the Drudge Report, and Fox News.

The 4 minute spliced collection of clips portrays Obama as advocate a redistribution of wealth through the power of the Supreme Court. That folds in with some allegations by the McCain Palin campaign.

The twist here is that, when heard in the context of the whole show, Obama’s position is distinctly misrepresented by the You Tube posting. Taken in context, Obama is evaluating the historical successes and failures of the Civil Rights movement—and, ironically, he says the Supreme Court was a failure in cases that it took on a role of redistributing resources.

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