Towse: views from the hill

September 18, 2007

Derry, Ireland (a wee bit of trip report)

Filed under: photographs,travel — Towse @ 9:14 pm


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Hands Across The Divide statue (by Maurice Harron) located in the middle of a roundabout west of Craigavon Bridge in Derry.

I shot the photograph through the window of a vehicle wheeling through the roundabout. There are much better ones to be found on the Web. The statue is supposed to portray a Catholic and a Protestant tentatively reaching out to each other in peace.

We had a few hours touring around Derry after our transport set us down close to the walls. John McNulty, the guy walking us about, covered Derry history far past (Siege of Derry, 1688) and new past (the Troubles and Bloody Sunday, 1972).

McNulty had been in Derry in 1972 — although not in Bogside on that Sunday — and had a lot to say about Bloody Sunday and the Troubles. He also told us that after much work and testimony, the results from the Saville Bloody Sunday Inquiry are due out some time soon-ish. Maybe early next year.

At great cost, I might add. According to Shaun Woodward, Secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office, “The cash spend on the Bloody Sunday inquiry was £178.264 million at the end of April 2007.” with more costs sure to be added as the report gets written. Yikes.

We took a walk along the walls of Derry, spent time inside the Apprentice Boys of Derry museum,


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toured the murals by the Bogside artists


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and the Bloody Sunday memorial


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and visited the Guildhall before coming back to our hotel for a slightly drizzly picnic lunch on the grounds.


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Later on in the afternoon, John Hume joined us and gave a free-wheeling talk about life, the peace process and the universe. He wrapped up his talk by telling us what a fantastic president Hillary would be and asking us to always call Derry “Derry” not “Londonderry.”

Then Hume sang the song he claims should be the American Irish anthem, Danny Boy. He claims the song is a lament of an Irish mother to her emigrant son. Oh, but his is a lovely voice and he sang the song with heart. No dry eyes here as the song ended.

After the talk, he retreated to the Beech Hill sitting room/bar and his nibs and I order up some Smithwicks and spent an hour or so with him and other fellow travelers, chatting in too comfy chairs, helping him kill time before he and his wife, Pat, joined the gang for dinner at the hotel. Man, has that guy seen a lot of history.

Derry was an interesting place. We spent three nights at Beech Hill, but only a day in Derry. (The other full day we had was filled with an absolutely glorious walk along the Giants’ Causeway and the headlands.)

I’m glad we saw the bits of Derry we did. Glad to have heard Hume talk on the subject. Derry isn’t a place I’d return to again and again but I’m glad we stopped there for the time we did. What we experienced brought the history of the place a bit closer to heart.

The history of that region is a sad one. Here’s to the future envisioned in Hands Across The Divide. Here’s to reconciliation.

Between Storms on Flickr

Filed under: photographs — Towse @ 2:08 am

Between Storms on Flickr by Jim M. Goldstein.

I reached Goldstein’s flickr collection via The Best: BRAVO, a Flickr group composed entirely of “world class” photographs (as defined by group members), which I reached from the Diaethria Clymena Butterfly group (no, really!), which I’d been asked to add a photo to.

I like the travel pictures I take, really I do, but whenever I start thinking what grande pictures I take, I’m immediately humbled looking at the really wonderful photographs to be found on the Web every time you turn around.

Take a look, f’rex, at the photographs in the BRAVO group or the photographs on Goldstein’s Web site.


My trip photos and trip report are still “in progress.”


August 8, 2007 reprise

Filed under: app,photographs — Towse @ 4:48 am

The garden Buddha morphed with “cartoon” special effect. I like too. Has a Japanese woodblock print feel to it.

Image Touched Up By

August 7, 2007

Filed under: app,photographs — Towse @ 6:43 pm

New app: fx for your pix.

The garden Buddha morphed with “oil paint” special effect. Large brush. I like.

Image Touched Up By

[pikifx snitched from Sour Grapes' Google Reader items]

July 30, 2007

Creeping prosperity

Filed under: culture,photographs — Tags: , , , , — Towse @ 6:44 pm

Sectwanto’s HUGE tag on a brick building down by Potrero Point, was painted out last week. The brick building was originally tagged (according to this site) in 2005. Seemed a year or two earlier than that at least, but I have photos from July 2004 that show the brick building untagged. Memory’s a funny thing.

SECTWANTO always reminded me of RIGO’s TRUTH over by City Hall, “but different,” as they say.

Still, two years from tag date, SECTWANTO and the fribbly tagged crap beneath it were painted over.

Why now?

Well, perhaps because plans are afoot to revitalize Pier 70 and surrounds.

July 14, 2007

Goodyear. Goodwrench.

Filed under: photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 5:22 am


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We were out front discussing the local excavations when we heard whrr whrr whrr.

Sounds like the Goodyear blimp, his nibs said.

Goodyear blimp it was.

Whrr whrr whrr.

The fog lumbers in

Filed under: photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 5:21 am


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The fog came scudding in this afternoon at a rapid clip. Creeping in?

Cat feet?


What I found interesting, always do, is the bank of fog hauling in through the Golden Gate, leaving shadows and misty-moisty behind whilst the folks around the bend from Pier39 are in perpetual sunshine.


July 11, 2007

Hiroshi Sugimoto at the de Young

Filed under: art,museums,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 9:58 pm

de Young Exhibitions

July 7, 2007 – September 23, 2007

The extraordinary 30-year career of Hiroshi Sugimoto (b. 1948) is celebrated in this retrospective of more than 100 luminous photographs, made from 1976 to the present. This presentation, in an installation designed by Sugimoto, constitutes the first major survey of Sugimoto’s oeuvre.

Photographer Thomas Hawk has a story to tell

Filed under: blog,life,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 3:07 am

Not for the first time, Hawk has been roughed up by security guards and/or pseudo-cops while photographing San Francisco from the sidewalk.

Read Thomas Hawk’s Digital Connection: Photographing Architecture is Still Not a Crime, Police Harrasment at 45 Fremont Street and ask yourself

  • what you would’ve done if this had happened to you
  • what you would’ve done if this happened to family or friend
  • what can you and I do to insure that this just does not happen again.

Hawk takes nice photos too. Go check them out while you’re there.

July 8, 2007

Must be almost time for the All-Star Game

Filed under: news,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 10:48 pm


Sure, I know. The game isn’t until Tuesday, but we already have the Goodyear blimp circling around between the ballpark (hidden behind the Embarcadero Center towers) and the pyramid.

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