Towse: views from the hill

October 24, 2007

Garbage, waste, trash, oh my!

Filed under: causes,environment,photographs — Tags: , , — Towse @ 12:39 am

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This morning we spent two [stenchy] hours getting a tour of The Dump


I mean …

“Norcal Waste System, Inc’s Solid Waste Transfer and Recycling Center” at the border of San Francisco and Brisbane, San Francisco County and San Mateo County (which causes problems, you betcha)

with our buds from

I hadn’t been on an educational field trip to the dump since the younger younger one was in Tiger Cubs.

Twenty years later … Different dump. Still as fascinating. More, maybe.

Field trip report to follow.

Update: As promised, a field trip report about my morning at the dump. Caution: long.

October 21, 2007

When the lights go down in the City*

Filed under: causes,environmentalism,life,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 7:36 pm

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Watching the lights go off on the Bay Bridge last night.

That blaze of lights on the other side of the Bay is the Port of Oakland, destination of most of the shipping traffic that we see from our perch.

Lights Out SF was a feel-good event that got people involved who hadn’t been involved. I’m not sure whether anyone said to themselves, dang, I can make-do with only one lamp burning at night, not the seventy-seven I turned out for an hour on Friday.

I swopped out three incandescent light bulbs with three CFLs. Consuming less energy bit by bit, but nowheres near being a cragger.

For those who can (those who have individually metered electric and have been living in their place since at least last October and who, unlike us, don’t have solar and a meter running backwards and so don’t have any way of knowing how much energy we used last October or this), you have until Wednesday to sign up for the San Francisco Climate Challenge. Challenge kicks off Thursday.

[* Journey. LIGHTS]

October 19, 2007

Flickr: The Guess Where SF Pool

Filed under: photographs,San Francisco,web2.0 — Towse @ 10:58 pm

Great fun at Flickr that I’ve been missing out on. Folks post an unlabeled picture taken anywhere in San Francisco and other folks guess where the picture was taken.

A really interesting collection of photos of San Francisco.

Flickr: The Guess Where SF Pool

Thanks, Anna

October 11, 2007

Only in San Francisco or someone’s treasure needs a new home, stuff found on the street: a continuing story of San Francisco

Filed under: life,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 10:16 pm

See his nibs walk up Union.

See his nibs walk up Union and find on the sidewalk where Union crosses Grant one of the ubiquitous bits of “free” stuff you find on sidewalks in the City.

See his nibs think, oh, Sal will find this highly amusing.

See his nibs bring the sidewalk treasure home with its sign still attached.

Only in San Francisco.


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And, perhaps only in San Francisco, would someone then take a picture of the free! sidewalk treasure and blog about it.

[et voila! Let me introduce you to my new Canon A570 IS. The Nikon CoolPix 5600 (purchased in November 2005 and used to take a gazillion pictures in the last two years) had been on its last legs for a while. The aperture wouldn’t close without tapping the camera against the heel of my palm multiple times, with increased force.

Finally, as of last weekend, the aperture wouldn’t close at all. The final straw was the streaks that I’d been dealing with in pictures for a while now. Usually one or two pictures in a set would have the streaks showing, but the streaks were ALL OVER MY PICTURES OF THE BLUE ANGELS.


Yes, soze here’s the new camera and now I have to internalize all the whizbang gadgetry until I don’t even need to think about just how exactly you set things up if you’re taking pictures of fireworks or need to take pictures (in a museum, say) without any flash. The IS (internal stabilization) should be mighty helpful.]

October 6, 2007


Filed under: life,photographs,San Francisco,SFOBayBridge — Towse @ 12:04 am

[Click to enlarge image]

I need to get a new camera. The lens on this one is damaged in some way, cleaning doesn’t help, and, especially when you’re taking photographs of sky &c., smudges are noticeable. Alas.

Oh, and a few in the set show the new Airbus A380 airborne.

[Click to enlarge image]


Updated: Photo set

October 4, 2007

The Blue Angels are BAAAAACK!

Filed under: life,photographs,San Francisco,SFOBayBridge — Towse @ 8:26 pm
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The Blue Angels are here for Fleet Week. Scouting today, practicing tomorrow, a show on Saturday and one on Sunday, both at 3 p.m.

I was lucky enough to catch a good shot of the Diamond Formation. Two other planes have been flirting with the sky, flying crisscross over the Bay to the east then north, then back again and again. They’ve been at it for almost two hours now, distracting me from my pickup chores.


Reminds me of an old friend’s installation ceremony and afterblast when she became a Grand Matron of the Eastern Star years and years ago now. We were not Eastern Star or Mason, but she wanted us there, so we went. Her family was there.

“And this is my grandson Steve,” Marian said. “Steve’s in the Air Force. He flies planes. What kind of plane is it you fly, Steve?”

“An F-16, Grandma.”

October 2, 2007

Morning ferry heads up to Vallejo 6:37A

Filed under: life,photographs,San Francisco,SFOBayBridge — Towse @ 3:22 pm
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The days grow short. The sun rises later. Skidding into fall.

September 28, 2007

The sun breaks through

Filed under: life,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 5:11 pm

Fog’s arrived. All that sweltering 85dF heat is but a memory. The temperature today will be 20dF cooler than it was just a few days ago.

Took a look east earlier today as the sun broke through the fog cover and shot some beams on Oakland.

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September 27, 2007

Harvest Moon

Filed under: life,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 2:33 am

Sure, I knew it was coming up. Chinatown’s Moon Festival was last weekend. Yeah, Autumn. Yeah, full moon.

But then his nibs called up the stairs, “Hey. Did you see the moon?”

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… and now I have this earworm of Fogerty singing, “There’s a bad moon on the rise.”

September 22, 2007

Red Sky At Morning

Filed under: damn,life,photographs,San Francisco,weather — Towse @ 7:58 pm


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Spectacular sunrise yesterday, presaging the rain that started last night as a drizzle and moved into, yes, real rain (not wicked rain, just maybe a quarter inch or so) overnight.

The rain’s stopped and …

his nibs is up on the roof, bailing out a puddle of water from a plugged up drain.

The leaks are back, in a different place this time, due to a different cause, most likely an installation flaw for the new roof for which we just paid a zillion dollars (what with other work to be done and the cost of uninstalling and reinstalling the solar panels that rest on the roof).


But … good thing I heard the drip drips behind me and we got the buckets and towels in place, good thing the rain wasn’t any harder than it was, good thing everyone will be out here in a few days (as soon as the roofer boss is back from vacation and available) to check out what the problem is and fix it before real rain (and Autumn) blows in.

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