Towse: views from the hill

August 19, 2009

Barney Frank Confronts Woman At Town Hall

Filed under: life,news,politics,video — Towse @ 5:04 am

“Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table.”

Barney Frank Confronts Woman At Town Hall Comparing Obama To Hitler

August 5, 2009

The crows plot mischief when they think no one is watching

Filed under: life,photographs — Towse @ 1:37 am

I’d mentioned the mysterious behavior of our crows to Sara Zarr in response to her Facebook link to the NPR story on crows. (Read it. Interesting!)

Our crows flock to the roof top at Levi’s Plaza and perch on the railings for “meetings” in the afternoon. In small groups, they practice walking around like humans while the crows on the railings critique their technique and progress. After a certain period of time, the meeting is adjourned and they fly off in all directions, just as they’d arrived.


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Spooky, I tell you! Who knows what sorts of mischief they’re plotting in the late afternoon when they think no one is watching.

July 6, 2009

Fourth of July from the 52d Floor

Filed under: life,photographs — Tags: , — Towse @ 8:53 pm

We partied on the 52d floor of 555 California for the Fourth with maybe a hundred other people, from pre-toddlers to creaky oldsters. Pre-fireworks entertainment included watching everyone else, making faces at the adorable seven-month-old (maybe) girl at the next table, a buffet that included hotdogs and hamburgers, and a hosted bar.

The event opened at 7:30P so we were a bit perplexed when we walked in a few minutes later to see all the occupied tables and chairs. We found an empty table next to the windows facing Pier 39 so we could at least see the eastern portion of the dual-barge, synchronized show. As it got closer to showtime, people began genteely squabbling over whether tables could be “held” for expected guests.

I took pictures of the view as the sun faded and the colors greyed. We watched “our” barge being pushed up from the south and over to Pier 39. The hills behind Tiburon and further north looked like a Chinese watercolor as they faded, faded, faded in the distance. (I tried to capture that view. The photo also captures the reflections of the party in the window as the lights came on and the twilight darkened.)

Note the hunkering layer of clouds just waiting to drop down and obscure the evening’s entertainment.

Reflections on the window overlaying the views led to talk of Plato’s Cave. We watched the fog creep in, hoping it wouldn’t get so low the fireworks would (again) be fogged out. Dinner ships and private boats maneuvered into place. The Coast Guard churned back and forth keeping people out of the critical area, and then Hooray! The fog held high and right on time (9:30P) the show began.

I was using my digital camera, holding it steady on the railing between us and the window, which would have worked if there hadn’t been some young adults who kept moving under the railing to get close to the window to use their digital cameras AND BUMPING THE RAILING WHENEVER THEY DID!


So the pics here are of views of Telegraph Hill and the Bay/Alcatraz/Angel Island as the light fades and Coit’s lights come on. Followed by some of the better fireworks shots. (But oh … my, the City’s civic 4th fireworks just don’t compare to KFOG Kaboom!)

We stayed for a while after the civic fireworks were over, enjoying the amateur fireworks that were exploding to the west. I’ve included a couple shots off the west side of the building showing the Civic Center and downtown and the vista out to the ocean (Note how “straight” streets on a grid look all curvy as they go up and over hills…)

And then we wandered home and watched some fireworks that were still going off. We had a good time. (I enjoyed my first hot dog in MONTHS!)

All-in-all, I took over 170 photos, of which I’ve kept ninety-five. (That collection may still be weeded.) My bloggy photo gallery here contains only twenty-two.

June 19, 2009

So much for PETA

Filed under: life — Towse @ 3:12 am

PETA’s not happy that Obama squished a fly. Oh, well.

To make PETA even unhappier, I will tell the following “slice of Sal’s life” tale.

His nibs just opened the door down on the first level and shooed a pretty little skipper butterfly (who’d wandered in because I had the doors open this afternoon) out the door to freedom.

Within seconds a bird swooped down and had the skipper for dinner. The bird is now hanging about waiting for his nibs to flush more game in its direction.

Notify PETA.

June 18, 2009

08 August 2004

Filed under: life,photographs — Tags: , — Towse @ 12:00 am

My photo files were getting all higgly piggly. I have a master directory labeled filPhotos with subdirectories under it labeled Family, Travel, SanFrancisco, &c.

Ah, but under San Francisco, I had folders labeled SF2009-06-17 and SF2009-06-01 and so on and forth into the hundreds.

Over 8400 photos, if I can believe Picasa, and I probably can. … Too many folders. And if I want to check through all the views to the east to have a look-see for a good one to post somewhere or send someone, where would I find it?


08 August 2004 Posted by Picasa

So in lieu of writing something I should be writing, I went through all my San Francisco photos and pulled out all the views to the east from this specific spot (not views to the east from the top of the Hill, nor views to the east from the Embarcadero …). And found I had over 2000 photos. Some were dupes. Some were why-are-you-saving-that-Sal. I winnowed. A bit.



I then moved the individual SF2009-06-01 and SF2009-06-10 sorts of folders into month-specific folders, only keeping those folders with a bunch of photos of a specific subject. e.g. SF2005-02-12MarriageEqualityCityHall (the one-year-anniversary party for the Valentine’s Day surprise of 2004), SF2008-05-18BayToBreakers, SF2007-10BlueAngels, &c.



So now things are a bit easier to handle, although I may start bundling the photos in larger SF2009Q1 and Q2 sorts of bundles. Fewer bundles, but not so few I wouldn’t be able to find photos of that walk we took in April 2008 easily.

Results? Less overwhelming photage. With a final count, SFViewsEast: 2110. (Plus the few that are in my camera as-I-post.) I see more winnowing in my future.

June 13, 2009

There but for fortune …

Filed under: life,photographs — Tags: , — Towse @ 7:23 pm

23 Jul 2008
Sitting on a dock of the bay.


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June 9, 2009

Update on the ranunculus

Filed under: life,photographs — Tags: , — Towse @ 5:20 am


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More petals have fallen since the previous shot was taken.

I’ll find another flower to take its place. I enjoyed having something floral on the rain drum as I headed up to the next level.

June 8, 2009

Make a wish

Filed under: life,photographs — Tags: — Towse @ 4:24 pm


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When the younger guys were much younger, the loss of a helium balloon wasn’t an occasion for tears.

When your balloon slips your grasp, don’t cry. Make a wish.

Make a wish and watch the balloon as it slips up into the sky carrying your wish with it until (keep watching!) it is (keep watching!) so high it disappears from view.

The next time something slips from my grasp, I’ll try to remember to make a wish.

June 7, 2009

Still life with yellow ranunculus

Filed under: life,photographs — Tags: , — Towse @ 9:13 pm

His nibs was at the Academy of Sciences annual meeting for docents and other such yesterday and brought home some flowers: a gathering of small daisy-ish flowers and a gaggle of alstroemeria as well as a twosome of yellow ranunculus (?). I put the Peruvian lilies and daisy-ish flowers in a vase downstairs and brought the yellow flowers up to the landing on the second floor. Cheery as I go back and forth during the day.


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June 4, 2009

Pilot boat

Filed under: life,photographs,SFOBayBridge — Towse @ 5:00 am

The sky turns blue (Thank you, Rayleigh!) as the sun goes down behind us.
A pilot boat cruises in.

The bay, the hills, the shadows take on a blue-ish tinge as the sun sets and the City wraps itself in twilight.


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