Towse: views from the hill

December 26, 2008

Raising a Gamer? Employers Turning Down World of Warcraft Players

Filed under: culture,web2.0 — Towse @ 7:32 pm

Raising a Gamer? Employers Turning Down World of Warcraft Players

A word to the wise … don’t tell your employer or co-workers that you are a Tauren shaman known as GoldenRabbitsoul. Don’t mention Pretend you spend your evenings knitting and your weekends hiking in local parks.

A Christmas wish for those who celebrate

Filed under: culture,life — Towse @ 4:44 am

“Next year all our troubles will be miles away. …”

YouTube – Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas — Sinatra.

“Some day soon we all will be together, if the fates allow. …”

Bunny Suicide

Filed under: culture,life — Towse @ 3:21 am

OK. Granted. I have an odd family.

When Dad was still alive, our children’s sigoths would sometimes freak at family gatherings because we’d be discussing “If you were a terrorist intent on making Americans feel shakier than shaky — and killing some Americans as an added benefit — what target would you attack?”

These discussions happened to have a concrete reason behind them because some of the family members were/are concerned with what terrorists might target.

Question: Would you target a monument like the Golden Gate Bridge, the Alamo, or Mount Rushmore or would you wreak terror by targeting small malls and roller skating rinks across America — both of which are easier to target.

Is it more effective to clobber some national symbols or to make EVERYONE — including Laverne’s cousin in Tucson — worried about whether it’s safe to go out for dinner?

Well, we don’t have those discussions anymore, for various reasons.

Instead today (AT OUR FAMILY CHRISTMAS), we talked about Bunny Suicide.

December 24, 2008

Our Christmas Eve tradition

Filed under: culture,life — Towse @ 7:17 am

Lionel Barrymore as Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol by Dickens

I’ve listened to this every Christmas Eve for probably the last forty or fifty years.

Tomorrow night, do thou likewise.

We’ll be sitting around on the floor, listening too.

You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There’s more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!

December 23, 2008

Melissa Etheridge: The Choice Is Ours Now

Filed under: causes,commentary,culture,election2008,life — Towse @ 2:55 am

Melissa Etheridge: The Choice Is Ours Now

Melissa Etheridge on the Rev. Rick Warren.


On the day of the conference I received a call from Pastor Rick, and before I could say anything, he told me what a fan he was. He had most of my albums from the very first one. What? This didn’t sound like a gay hater, much less a preacher. He explained in very thoughtful words that as a Christian he believed in equal rights for everyone. He believed every loving relationship should have equal protection.


She tells everyone to chill.


Maybe if they get to know us, they wont fear us.

I know, call me a dreamer, but I feel a new era is upon us.

I will be attending the inauguration with my family, and with hope in my heart. I know we are headed in the direction of marriage equality and equal protection for all families.

Happy Holidays my friends and a Happy New Year to you.

Peace on earth, goodwill toward all men and women… and everyone in-between.

December 21, 2008

‘Bush Shoe’ Gives Firm a Footing in the Market []

Filed under: culture,history — Tags: — Towse @ 3:49 am

‘Bush Shoe’ Gives Firm a Footing in the Market

Published: December 20, 2008

ISTANBUL — When a pair of black leather oxfords hurled at President Bush in Baghdad produced a gasp heard around the world, a Turkish cobbler had a different reaction: They were his shoes.

“We have been producing that specific style, which I personally designed, for 10 years, so I couldn’t have missed it, no way,” said Ramazan Baydan, a shoemaker in Istanbul. “As a shoemaker, you understand.”


… orders for Mr. Baydan’s shoes, formerly known as Ducati Model 271 and since renamed “The Bush Shoe,” have poured in from around the world.

15K pairs for Iraq
95K pairs for Europe
18K pairs for USA

Five thousand posters advertising the shoes, on their way to the Middle East and Turkey, proclaim “Goodbye Bush, Welcome Democracy”” in Turkish, English and Arabic.


Ah. Capitalism at its finest.

November 23, 2008

Esquire’s 70 Greatest Sentences

Filed under: culture,writing — Towse @ 1:11 am

Esquire's 70 Greatest Sentences

Well, these sorts of things are always, “Why did they choose that?” “Why didn’t they choose that?”

Sample sentences from the list:

Also, I shouldn’t have to say this, but do not, under any circumstances, put Pop Rocks in your ass. –Stacey Grenrock Woods, Sex column, 2003

It showed a crowd of freaks bending over a dying fat man on a dark and lonely road, looking at a tattoo on his back which illustrated a crowd of freaks bending over a dying fat man on a . . . –Ray Bradbury, “The Illustrated Man,” 1950

Many of the great sentences deal with sex, erections, and/or war.


[via Grapes2.0]

November 13, 2008

This is our moment. This is our time.

Filed under: art,culture,election2008,San Francisco,shopshopshop — Towse @ 9:23 pm

I’m a huge fan of Paul Madonna and his ALL OVER COFFEE work in the Sunday Chronicle.

Got this note from him today (that would be me and the zillion others on his e-mail list):

I’ve had an overwhelming response to this week’s “Obama:Progress” All Over Coffee piece. Since the original sold within the first few hours it was published, (including a backup waitlist) I decided to make a fine art limited edition print of this particular strip to honor this momentous time in history.

The full-color print is 16×22 inches, signed and numbered in a limited edition of 100, at $195 each. Produced by the fabulous printer SF Electric Works, these prints are of the highest quality.

Follow this link to both view and order.

If you missed Sunday’s Madonna, check it out. If you don’t know ALL OVER COFFEE or Paul Madonna, check him out.

November 11, 2008

The court will overturn Prop. 8

Filed under: commentary,culture,election2008,life,politics — Towse @ 7:29 pm

The court will overturn Prop. 8 by LaDoris H. Cordell. (op-ed in today’s San Francisco Chronicle)

I was reading this commentary in the Chron this morning — a commentary I agree with totally, btw.

LaDoris Cordell was a Superior Court judge in the south bay back when I lived in the south bay, so I was surprised when she mentioned she was lesbian.

That’s odd, I thought. I knew she was a woman judge, not all that common, and a black woman judge at that, even more uncommon, but I hadn’t realized she was a lesbian black woman judge. Huh. What do you know? Had I just not been paying attention? Was it just not important? Had I forgotten? (I’ve forgotten a lot of things.)

But then, I went to college, then to law school, opened a law practice in a black community, became a law school administrator, and then went on to a successful career on the bench. Along the way, I got married and had two wonderful daughters. I was perfect. And then one fine day, as these black voters would have it, I chose to simply throw it all away – to become an Untouchable? Ridiculous. I did not choose to be gay anymore than I chose to be black.

Ah. Penny drops. Cordell was married with a family when I knew of her, so I knew of the black woman judge aspect of her life but at that time, the lesbian side wasn’t front and center. I didn’t know and, frankly, had I known, wouldn’t have cared.

Good commentary.

I also liked Keith Olbermann’s commentary on Proposition 8 but for Pete’s sake, he can sure over-emote, can’t he? Easier to read his commentary than to watch it.

A reminder: Click to Give @ The Hunger Site

Filed under: culture,nonprofits,shopshopshop — Towse @ 6:38 am

Click to Give @ The Hunger Site

from the site: The Hunger Site launched in June 1999 as the brainchild of a private citizen from Indiana, with the purpose of helping to alleviate world hunger by using the Internet in a creative way. A simple daily click of a button on would give funding — paid for by the site’s sponsors — to the United Nations World Food Programme.

In its first nine months, the site funded more than nine million pounds of food for the hungry — an astonishing feat. Eventually the site became too large for one man to manage, and in 2000 The Hunger Site was sold to, which today operates as the GreaterGood Network family of websites.

The shopshopshop portion of this site is superb as well. Very cool stuffs for those friends and family for whom a gift certificate to Olive Garden just won’t do. Cheap shipping deals too.

Go there and check it out.

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