Towse: views from the hill

August 25, 2010

Bye bye, Firefox. Hello, Chrome.

Filed under: app,internet,life — Towse @ 5:19 pm

Running on Chrome until further notice.

The erratic, unpredictable, unreliable, inconsistent, irregular, changeable, intermittent, uneven, fitful, variable* whims (not to mention the crashes and hiccups and slowdowns and what-nots) of Firefox finally drove me away.

(* Thank you to MSN Encarta online for the synonyms. …)

January 10, 2010


Filed under: app,SJTblog — Towse @ 5:30 pm

Haloscan started charging for their comment processing as of the turn of the year. I am changing comment processors and … soon everything will be back hunky dory.


June 2, 2009


Filed under: app,resource,webstuff — Towse @ 7:26 pm

Have you played with Bing yet?

Go on. You know you want to!

Run your mouse along the right edge to pull up a synopsis of the page featured. Browse through the related links.

Have fun.

April 30, 2009


Filed under: app,URL,writers,writing — Towse @ 4:41 pm

Convert your URL to a Dickensian quote.


Under an accumulation of staggerers, no man can be considered a free agent. No man knocks himself down; if his destiny knocks him down, his destiny must pick him up again.

From The Old Curiosity Shop

Above quote has been attributed to

[via Bella Stander’s twitterfeed]

January 12, 2009

Down for everyone or just me?

Filed under: app,URL — Towse @ 6:09 pm

Down for everyone or just me?

Enter a site. checks to see if it thinks the site is up.

[via tweet from Jessamyn West]

January 10, 2009

Oooh. Shiny! SourceForge’s Apophysis

Filed under: app,graphics — Towse @ 3:17 am

40 Amazing 3D Fractals Using Apophysis

Apophysis is a free Windows program for designing and rendering fractal flames, available from SourceForge .

January 8, 2009

Filed under: app,photographs — Towse @ 3:22 am – Transform your photos into tilt-shift miniatures

What are tilt-shift style photos?
Tilt-shift miniature style photos are pictures of real-life scenes that are manipulated to look like model photographs.

Now you can easily transform your existing digital camera photos into tilt-shift miniatures using

This is an interesting app.

But why would you want to do this?

December 29, 2008

dm fail! on Twitter

Filed under: app,web2.0 — Tags: — Towse @ 10:48 pm

dm fail! Messages from folks who accidentally post a tweet when they meant to DM.

e.g. Dude, you left your hemorrhoid cream and herpes medications over at my place again!

Real or faked? Does it matter?

Update:Twitter is tweaking their code so that people who are DMing can use either D or DM as the abbreviation for direct messaging.

No more dm fail. Alas.

December 18, 2008


Filed under: app,graphics,life,URL,webstuff — Towse @ 5:40 am

Learned about Wordle via cygnoir. Played with it with my Delicious bookmarks as the resource.

Saved the Java applet results with CutePDF Writer, then pulled the PDF into Photoshop, messed with it and saved it as a .jpg.


So, a bit early, but heartfelt, nonetheless:

December 1, 2008

The Pownce Blog — Goodbye Pownce, Hello Six Apart

Filed under: app,technology,web2.0 — Towse @ 9:16 pm

The Pownce Blog — Goodbye Pownce, Hello Six Apart

Pownce is closing down effective December 15th. They’ve added an export function so you can download all your messages. Leah Culver and Mike Malone are joining the engineering team at Six Apart, and bringing the Pownce technology along with them.

[via a tweet from Laughing Squid]

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