Towse: views from the hill

May 14, 2007

[PAY MKT] Yoga Journal

Filed under: URL,writing-market — Towse @ 7:48 pm

Writers’ Guidelines for Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal covers the practice and philosophy of yoga. In particular we welcome articles on the following themes:

1. Leaders, spokespersons, and visionaries in the yoga community;
2. The practice of hatha yoga;
3. Applications of yoga to everyday life (e.g., relationships, social issues, livelihood, etc.);
4. Hatha yoga anatomy and kinesiology, and therapeutic yoga;
5. Nutrition and diet, cooking, and natural skin and body care.

Payment varies, depending on length, depth of research, etc. We pay within 90 days of final acceptance: $800 to $2000 for features, $400 to $800 for departments, $25 to $100 for Om Page and Well-Being, and $200 to $250 for book reviews.

No unsolicited e-sub.

[PAY MKT] Escape Pod

Filed under: URL,writing-market — Towse @ 7:39 pm

Writers’ Guidelines for Escape Pod, a podcast genre ‘zine.

EP is a genre ‘zine. We’re looking for science fiction and fantasy. Please don’t send us anything that doesn’t fit those descriptions. And by the way, we mean SF/F on a level that matters to the plot. Your story about a little boy receiving a balloon before his heart transplant may be touching literature, but it probably isn’t something we’re interested in, even if you edit it so that the balloon’s an alien and the heart came from Satan.

(UPDATE: As of August 2006, Escape Pod no longer runs horror. We’ve spun that off into a sister podcast, Pseudopod, edited by Mur Lafferty and Ben Philips. We do not share our slushpiles, so please send them your horror stories directly. It’s a great podcast to listen to, by the way, if you like to be disturbed.)

We’re primarily interested in two lengths of fiction, which we’ve dubbed (somewhat arbitrarily) ‘short fiction’ and ‘flash fiction.’

PAYS: $100 for short fiction (2-6K wds) and $20 for flash fiction (up to 1K wds. “sweet spot”: 500 wds.)


[PAY MKT] Paying poetry markets

Filed under: URL,writing-market — Towse @ 7:26 pm

List of paying poetry markets from

[PAY MKT] South Florida Parenting

Filed under: URL,writing-market — Towse @ 7:23 pm

Writers’ guidelines for South Florida Parenting.

Most South Florida Parenting articles are purchased from freelance writers. In a typical issue, readers will find a variety of regular departments: Out & About, Baby Basics, Preteen Power, Family Money, Family Health and more. We also run feature articles of 800-2,000 words on topics of pertinence to South Florida parents. Features require careful research, independent reporting and well-developed interviews with South Florida sources.

Our focus is on our three-county market and we prefer features that use sources and settings in South Florida. Assignments, when given, go almost exclusively to writers who live in southeast Florida. However, we do consider insightful, captivating essays and features from outside our area, particularly those that deal with universal themes and issues. All stories must include clearly identified, real sources. Articles or essays that use only first names, composites or fictional examples will not be considered.

We welcome your submission of material previously published outside South Florida, if offered to us on an exclusive basis in southeast Florida. No submissions or queries that are offered to other publications in southeast Florida will ever be considered. We do not buy work from writers who are published by our competitors. For reprint offers, send either typed manuscripts or clips and let us know where the material appeared.

E-sub only.
$150-$300 for first publication
$30-$50 for reprints, including online rights.
You *must* not submit work to any other publications in South Florida.

(n.b. The wording is weird: do they mean must not submit *this* piece of work or *any* piece of work? … If you’re interested in the market, might behoove you to check …)

KFOG KaBoom! 2007 Highlights

Filed under: life,music,San Francisco,URL — Towse @ 6:22 pm

KFOG KaBoom! 2007 Highlights

The video and soundtrack for the 2007 KFOG KaBoom! are up! Twenty minutes worth of fireworks with music.


May 13, 2007

Happy Mom’s Day

Filed under: app — Towse @ 11:55 pm

from Google.

[I'd pop up the graphic here, but decided (copyright infringement-wise) to send folks over to Google to take a look there ... One gripe with iGoogle is that I don't get my Google graphics fix.]

KFOG KaBoom! 2007

Filed under: food,life,photographs,San Francisco — Towse @ 9:21 pm


Yesterday’s Chron:

[Click to enlarge image]

Program cover:

[Click to enlarge image]


[Click to enlarge image]

My pics don’t do the show justice. (I’ll link to the KFOG video, which gives the fireworks and the music background, when it’s up.) Amazing. Thump. Thud. Heart-crashing fireworks set to a KFOG soundtrack. The “single barge” that the Coast Guard was making arrangements for turned out to be five barges full of fireworks lashed together.


Live music beforehand. This year: Ozomatli, Guster and Kenny Wayne Shepherd. If you go some time in the future, be sure to come before the gates open (we arrived at 3:30p and still had to stand in a very long line to get in) and bring a blanket or something (we brought a couple which we folded to spare our tailbones) to stake out your space on the piers. The last hour before the fireworks, the piers keep getting infill with people stopping if there’s a spare 2 sq ft of space for them. I get a bit weirded out by crowds cramming in around me. The blanket-sized space keeps me sane.

KFOG’s KaBoom ends with hundreds of thousands of people walking home (or back to cars or to public transit) on the Embarcadero. The Embarcadero was closed to Mission, but in reality, the pedestrians had the streets until more like Market. When there are thousands of people walking north, the cars must move carefully up the single lane that pedestrians were allowing them.

We wound up at Globe for a snack-ish dinner around 10p. I had tuna tartare (with bread snips and black olive tapenade) and a sausage/garlic pizza. His nibs had a chunk of lamb with garbanzo beans and green garlic. We split a bottle of French cabernet franc. I had some Bonny Doon muscat for dessert. His nibs had some delish crepes stuffed with strawberry cream-cheese and almond filling. (Went well with the muscat!)

Up the steps. Home again by 12:30a. Slept in.

Happy M-Day to the Mothers and to those who Mother without having the actual title.

May 6, 2007

Paul Madonna’s ALL OVER COFFEE. Just what I expected. And more.

Filed under: art,books,San Francisco — Towse @ 5:45 am

I’d been trying to grab a copy of Paul Madonna‘s book, ALL OVER COFFEE, (based on his work in the San Francisco Chronicle and just out from City Lights) since I first heard of it. City Lights was selling pre-sale copies but wanted to charge me to mail it over. Why? I can just walk down hill for pete’s sake.

I dropped a note to Madonna. Can I arrange something through you? He said that City Lights would have signed copies when it came out and if I wanted something personalized I could come to his book release party.

I walked over to City Lights last week and they did have copies of the book but nothing signed. “You’ll need to go to his book release party for that. He hasn’t been by.”

So, Friday (yesterday) we hopped on a 30 and took it down to Market, then hopped on an F and rode to Laguna/Guerrero, hopped off and walked down to Valencia and 14th — Mina Dresden Gallery, to be precise, 312 Valencia.

Brilliant idea Madonna had. The gallery had his work hanging and for sale. They were selling books in back. If you snuck up on Paul where he was standing at a bar table schmoozing, he’d sign your book. (By the time we turned around twelve … fifteen … more people had had the same idea. …)

The table with the “book signing 8:30p” wasn’t keeping people from waylaying him while he tried to be sociable.

The small gallery was a crush. I’m obviously not the only person who really likes ALL OVER COFFEE.

The book is brilliant.
BUY THIS BOOK if you are at all intrigued by the snippets at his Web site.

I love this book.

May 4, 2007

[OBIT] Wally Schirra — Mercury, Gemini, Apollo astronaut

Filed under: people,science — Tags: — Towse @ 5:29 pm

When Wally Schirra Said, “Go to Hell”

Well written, well done, Jeffrey Kluger of Time Magazine.

May 3, 2007

[URL] John Woram’s Galápagos History & Cartography

Filed under: history,science,travel,URL — Towse @ 7:49 pm

The Encantadas: Galápagos History & Cartography

Wide-ranging collection of materials on the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, collected by the author of CHARLES DARWIN SLEPT HERE.

Ephemera, maps, texts, factoids. Darwin’s Journal. Darwin’s Diary. H.M.S. Beagle logs. Eleanor Roosevelt “My Day” (her description of her trip to the Galápagos in 1944).


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