Got an e-note from one of the neighbors I’d sent the El Raigón menu (with a “try this!” note) to. She’d just been in the restaurant getting a gift certificate to use at the Tel-Hi dinner/auction in a few weeks and was glad to get a positive report on the restaurant.
This will be our first time at the annual fundraiser and I have no clue what all will be up for auction — for sure a dinner at El Raigón, but probably not any weekend stays in San Francisco. The invite says, “Silent and Live Auctions, featuring a week-long getaway at a secluded beachfront retreat in the Abaco Islands, Bahamas.”
Fond memories of an Abaco wedding week five years back. His nibs wasn’t able to go and stayed home with the guys, who were in high school at the time. We’ve always talked of going back and spending some time, but I imagine the winning bid for the week-long getaway will be way beyond us.
Bless GS and all others points of light out there, volunteering for good causes and/or donating “stuff” for charity auctions.