First up, the folks who handled my comments said I'd have to pay for the service. Um. No.
While I was wondering what commenting service to use in lieu, someone/something else seems to have picked up the commenting. (Waaah?) But I still need to find a permanent vendor.
While I was still wondering what commenting service to use, I got a note from Blogger/Google saying that folks like me who FTP their blogs to their Web sites are using too many tech resources/time/help and they are shutting down the FTP service. I can either move over to Blogger and their services or find another vendor.
If you're wondering why the slowdown in blog posts, it's just me pondering my future. The blog will roll on, with a different manner of posting and a different mode of handling comments.
I'll probably freeze this blog in place and start another from scratch, which is a Royal Pain, but the easiest way to handle the transition.
(I've always been the tortoise when it comes to making decisions like this.)
[via a tweet from Forgotten Bookmarks]
Labels: blog, recipes, twitter, URL
Interesting article. You must register w/ to read.
Like Mrs. Nichols, many people start blogs with lofty aspirations — to build an audience and leave their day job, to land a book deal, or simply to share their genius with the world. Getting started is easy, since all it takes to maintain a blog is a little time and inspiration. So why do blogs have a higher failure rate than restaurants?
According to a 2008 survey by Technorati, which runs a search engine for blogs, only 7.4 million out of the 133 million blogs the company tracks had been updated in the past 120 days. That translates to 95 percent of blogs being essentially abandoned, left to lie fallow on the Web, where they become public remnants of a dream — or at least an ambition — unfulfilled.
Judging from conversations with retired bloggers, many of the orphans were cast aside by people who had assumed that once they started blogging, the world would beat a path to their digital door.
Sara Zarr had two posts.
Zen had one, and that was a photo.
Arleen had six, one quite long, but four posts were simply daily collections of her Twitterposts.
Nikki (Nicole J. LeBoeuf: actually writing blog) had one (and that was her first post since 05 April).
Don had two, and one of those was a pano shot from the top of my hill. (Thx, Don!)
Heather had two. (One of them quite long.) And she'd posted six entries on her micro blog. Yay, Heather! Not bad for the mother of an almost-six-year-old and a new-born.
Ms Paula had six, but then she's way conscientious about keeping her blogger peeps amused.
Alan had naught.
... and so on and forth.
What is going on?
Well, for them I can't answer, but for me, I've been posting short things on Twitter and re-tweeting interesting short things I find there. Anyone can read the Twitterfeed (check it out!).
A Twitter app automagically copies what I post there over to my Facebook presence.
On Facebook, I post a bit longer stuff and stuff that I'd rather keep out of Twitter. (Photos of the wee gifty the youngest sent me for Mother's Day, f'rex.)
I've been hanging out on Facebook and Twitter because they are an easy way for me to follow the antics of certain folks, post inane comments about their passions and their lives, and pick up nifty bits of fact all while I'm doing the same. More seamlessly. Less back and forthing. Less disconnection.
The blog is becoming more of a collection of longish thoughts and prettyish photos. The short 'n sweet links will probably end up on Twitter for the most part.
Make sense?
Labels: blog, life, social networking
"a guide to the most wanted and collected books. There is some evaluation of why the book is wanted, what it is worth - with a range of selling prices, some trivia, apercus and bon mots, a few anecdotes, so called jokes and occasional rants."
Entertaining blog for book huggers.
Labels: blog, books, bookstores
One of the links the free link checker found was a definite 404. (Robin Queen's collection of linguistics links ... The page was 404 and after I found her UMich faculty Web site, seems her collection of links is no more, or not what I remembered.)
I went looking for the substitute link or another link just like it.
And found this. has cut and pasted and reformatted my wordstuff links page onto its blog -- a blog, I might mentioned, that is surrounded by ad stuff.
No mention that the links and commentary aren't its.
No mention that link collection is mine as is the commentary.
No mention of my collection of links and how to get there.
Now ovablastic itself found that little nest of links through Stumbleupon, which does point people to my site.
Why did it cut and paste the HTML and pop it on its blog with no hattip or pointer to my site?
Because it's clueless and a thief. Yeah. That could be it.
n.b. for allz of you who may say, "But links are links and not copyrightable!" The collection of links with the associated commentary is copyrighted. 'tis just not worth it to go lay sue papers in ovablastic's mailbox. I'd rather mention here that someone with ads on its site stole my content and is a thief.
(Hi, ovablastic! Hope you Google your nym every once in a while! If you'd had an e-mail easily available on your blog, I would've dropped you a note. This is the next best bet.)
Labels: blog, peeves, URL, wordstuff
The thing ^H^H^H One of the things I find fascinating about the Web is all the things I find fascinating and stash away in a links folder or delicious or a Web page or a post and then forget all about and never return to.
Too many fascinating things.
With delicious, though, if I click to save a link to a page I've found interesting and I've already saved a link to that page, delicious lets me know.
I came across Susan Marie Rose Maciog Gibb's blog from somewhere else earlier today and found the first post or two interesting enough that I clicked on her "about" page. I found her self-description and the items that were used to categorize her self and her life interesting. So I saved a link in delicious.
I then went back to the blog and read back a ways and said, that's interesting. I'll keep a link.
When I clicked to save a link in delicious, delicious told me I'd already saved a link: 05-Jun-2007.
I must've liked it then.
I've never been back since. (That I remember.)
How did I find it eighteen months ago?
Ah, the Web.
Labels: blog, life, URL, web2.0
The Web is a wonder. Alan Valek has cobbled together photographs of cereal boxes to show the evolution of, f'rex, the Alpha-Bits cereal box.
His blog's pretty entertaining too.
Found via CuteOverload.
Specifically ... this post.
And why was I over at CuteOverload? Well because Jessamyn was tweeting that her Mom had never seen CuteOverload, and I said outloud (in a two-person office) that not everyone's Mom has seen CuteOverload. And his nibs was all, "What's CuteOverload?" and things went from there to there to there.
So there.
Labels: blog, fun, URL, web2.0
Snitched. [via Janet Reid's blog]
Sounds delightful. His nibs isn't a huge date fan, however.
David Lebovitz' site and blog are full of foodie gems. Worth perusing.
We were discussing mincemeat over at Debbie Ohi's facebook. I favor meat & suet homemade mincemeat with apples & brandy & sultanas, &c. Others tout a no-meat-only-fruit mincemeat. Lebovitz has a dandy meatless mincemeat.
[Read her. You'll be happy you did. ...]
For those all you-alls who need to get your butt in gear:
Holidailies participants solemnly vow to update their Web sites daily from Dec. 5 to Jan. 6.
I'll be away from the Web for part of that time, but I think this is a useful project, so I'm passing it on to you. ... you know who you are. ...
A round-up article. Blog? Care about SEO? Much? Huiskes' article on Linkbait is a good overview w/ tips & tricks.
Labels: blog, technology, web2.0
# Choose an attention-getting and accurate title.
Like a newspaper headline, a good blog title draws readers in. It’s your chance to convince a reader to take a look at what you’ve written. But no bait-and-switch! Make sure that your title reflects the content of the entry.
# State your opinion clearly.
Take a stand and make it clear. Your blog isn’t the place for meandering. If your opinion isn’t appropriate for the general public, choose a different subject. If you wouldn't stand up in front of your colleagues and share your opinion, don’t post it on your blog.
# Back things up with specific stories and examples.
Once you state your opinion, explain it. Share stories or examples that show why you hold your opinion. The advice we give students applies: Show. Don’t Tell!
and seven more.
NCTE: National Council of Teachers of English
via a Lester Smith tweet.
Bright guy.
His Web site and blog: Andrew Tobias - Money and Other Subjects
Labels: blog, election2008, financeconomics
But, if you want a "site about GTD," "a blog about index cards," or a wide-mouthed sluice of recycled links to lists of geegaws that will keep you momentarily distracted from how sad you are, then you're wasting both of our time here. So, go. You're stinking up the joint.
This is now a site for people who want to finish things that they care about — but who still occasionally need help, inspiration, and the courage to push all the bullshit off their work table. This is about clearing that space every day, and then using it to do cool stuff that makes you proud.
Sure ... I said, "Follow." but in real life I go away for three weeks and come back and see someone's posted seventy-eight blog entries in the interim and it takes me a while to get up to speed. ... if ever.
And then there are people whose blogs I really like who update every six weeks or so, durn 'em.
And then there are people whose blogs I like but I really should move them over to my bookmarks because I just don't keep up, even though I'd like to in theory. I've been doing that bit by bit.
Usually when I get back from away, I catch up on the easy pickings (people who haven't posted much) and then I start in on the people for whom I have a backlog of a hundred or more posts to catch up on.
One section of my bloglines setup is a collection of blogs of people I've met on misc.writing or close thereto. Tonight I noticed the following on the list of unread posts for the blogs in that list:
# Alan 's Google Reader (118)
# DebbieOhi - Inkygirl: Daily Diversions (119)
# Deck: Cyber Curmudgeon (118)
# Kemnitzer/Peeking into the rock (118)
We're talking twenty-six blogs in that subset, peeples, and four of the twenty-six blogs have either 118 or 119 blog posts waiting to be read.
The Orwell Prize, Britain's pre-eminent prize for political writing, is publishing George Orwell's diaries as a blog. From 9th August 2008, Orwell's domestic and political diaries (from 9th August 1938 until October 1942) will be posted in real-time, exactly 70 years after the entries were written.
Orwell's 'domestic' diaries begin on 9th August 1938/2008; his 'political' diaries (which are further categorised as 'Morocco', 'Pre-war' and 'Wartime') begin on 7th September 1938/2008.
The diaries are exactly as Orwell wrote them. Where there are original spelling errors, they are indicated by a ° following the offending word.
[via Laughing Squid]
Labels: blog, people, webstuff, writing
Oh. For. Pete's. Sake.
Ars Technica will now grow with the tools and resources of Condé Nast's WIRED Digital unit. WIRED Digital oversees the business operations of not only, but also Reddit, WebMonkey, HotWired, and other technology destinations. Ars Technica will remain an independent publication, with the same editorial leadership in place. I will remain the Editor-in-Chief, and Jon, Eric, and the rest of the editorial team is staying on board, too.
... and so forth. Don't worry, Community! We're not gonna change. Condé Nast is benevolent folk. Shhh. Shhh. Shhh. There there. It will work out. Just you see!
Labels: blog, science, technology
A rotating editorship collecting the best of the best crime fiction blogging.
Labels: blog, books, mystery, writing
bloglines lets me know just how far behind I get on the umpty ump RSS feeds I've stashed away here.
So, I go away for a while or don't hang out on the computer for a while and before you know it, a blog I track has EIGHTY POSTS I haven't read yet with more added each day.
Fine. Caught up on grapes2.0.
Next up Sara Zarr's blog: 116 posts behind on that one. ...
And, turns out, the count didn't zero. Rather, added another digit.
I'm *still* going to swop in another free hit counter. Maybe Site Meter. I'm not too fond of how the current hit counter delivers data.
A MILLION HITS! I can't believe it.
Why hadn't I noticed? Well, to tell the truth, I haven't been keeping up with my Bloglines gang and he'd only been back for two weeks when we left for most of March. Then March slipped into April and here we are.
If I hadn't kept Archer on my Bloglines list (even after he said farewell on Jan 2, 2008), I never would've known he was back. But I did, and when I checked the Bloglines list an hour or so ago, there he was! New content! Outstanding! Happy day. Archer's jumble of sense, nonsense, blatant lies, and outrageously gross humor is intact.
For those of youse others on the list, I may need a while to catch up. I mean some folks have a hundred posts I haven't read yet and even HCC has a backlog.
A belated welcome back, Archer. Good to see you.
Is it possible she could be so normal? Politicians lose battles, it's part of what they do, win and lose. But she does not know how to lose. Can she lose with grace? But she does grace the way George W. Bush does nuance.
[continue ..."Can Mrs. Clinton Lose?" -- Peggy Noonan]
This is very very cool news.
[via Laughing Squid, natch.]
Labels: blog, history, photographs
And for those keeping track, I'm still 100% as of Day Six of the year. My "blog" entries between Jan 1 and Jan 6 were in the form of tweets, which get pasted up over there in the righthand sidebar.
Just soze you know.
Last May, in honor of its one-year anniversary, The Rap Sheet organized The Rap Sheet's ONE BOOK PROJECT.
We invited more than 100 crime novelists, book critics, and bloggers from all over the English-speaking world to choose the one crime/mystery/thriller novel that they thought had been "most unjustly overlooked, criminally forgotten, or underappreciated over the years."
Interesting list. Steve Hockensmith, author of Holmes on the Range and On the Wrong Track, nominates THE DOORBELL RANG (1965) by Rex Stout and explains why. J.D. Rhoades, lawyer, blogger, and author of Safe and Sound nominates Katy Munger's MONEY TO BURN [1999]. Linda Fairstein, author of Bad Blood, chose Robert Traver's ANATOMY OF A MURDER.
... and the list goes on.
If you're a crime fiction fan, this list will keep you in reading material for a long, long time.
[via The Rap Sheet]
Labels: blog, books, mystery, people
The wonders of the Web. Why, I was just off reading In Praise of Sardines and Brett mentioned Cute Overload and I clicked through.
The world is cracked, you know? A bit of cute might help mend things.
Or not.
A plethora of goodies.
Geoff Manaugh has a book (BLDGBLOG) out from Chronicle Books in Spring 2009 and moved to this fair ville in September to become a senior editor at Dwell.
More about Manaugh here.
Labels: architecture, blog, books, people, San Francisco
Transbay Blog is one of the most focussed, least axe-grinding blogs covering "News and thoughts on public transportation and city planning in the San Francisco Bay Area." If such be your interests, check it out.
Labels: blog, politics, San Francisco, SFMTA/Muni
The Consumerist: Shoppers Bite Back
You can find such gems as a post about Batter Blaster:
Occasionally we see products that make us wonder how we got to this late day without them. "Batter Blaster" (which is pancake batter in a Cheese Whiz or Redi Whip bottle) is one such product.
Will we be buying this? No. Are we happy the it exists? Yeah. Actually, we are.
I think the product's an abomination (How hard is it to add water to your Krusteaz mix?) but about half the comments are in a "hell-yeah, I've been waiting for something like this" vein.
Labels: blog, culture, shopshopshop
Yippee! Yahoo! for Sara!!!!!
Sara's Web presence: The Stories of a Girl
Sara is published. Sara is a finalist for a National Book Award.
Sara no longer engages with folks on misc.writing.
Hmmm. Is there a connection?
(A slight one, perhaps. Her success is primarily due to ... Sara is talented, and determined, and focussed and ...)
Yay, hooray for Sara!
Labels: blog, books, URL, writing
[via Curbed SF]
Labels: blog, life, San Francisco
Page 3.14 : "What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years," circa 1900.
Earlier today, a friend sent me a link to this old-ish post from the excellent history/art/cultural curiosity blog Paleo-Future. It's a document written by John Elfreth Watkins, Jr., for Ladies' Home Journal in 1900. It is entitled "What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years."
I couldn't resist reading the whole thing (see the big version here), and am compelled—as a person of the future—to log a few replies.
Entertaining snippets from the December 1900 LHJ article and replies from Katherine Sharpe.
Read the article yourself or just dip into Sharpe's blog entry.
[via science blogs from Seed Media]
Typographica a journal of typography featuring news, observations, and open commentary on fonts and typographic design.
typography a photoset on flickr
viaLetter Spell it out
Jules Vernacular Lettres oeuvrières & incongruités typographiques. French signage and lettering from Jack Usine.
Triborough's photos of NYC Transit Authority Graphics Standards Manual = a flickr photoset
Zuzana Licko and Rudy VanderLans at Emigre
Typetester - compare screen type
FontFeed a font blog
[via the brilliant collection of advertisements at I believe in advertising]
Labels: blog, culture, media, URL
Made me cry. I'm sure the young woman singing the National Anthem still remembers that night and the kindness of Mo.
Check out this article, written not long after the video was taken in 2003.
Also check out Patti Digh's blog, 37days, which is where this all came from.
Labels: blog, life, people, video
But for those of you who do have a sunny space and are using it to raise zucchini, Heidi Swanson offers up My Special Zucchini Bread Recipe at 101 Cookbooks.
(Added bonus: Today's 101cookbooks blog entry features Quinoa and Grilled Zucchini.)
Bon appetit!
Labels: blog, food, San Francisco
Reminded me of the on-the-street-reporter-types who ask people, do you agree with this? who said it?
Seems about half of Americans asked think that this credo is from the U.S. Constitution.
Should it be?
I was checking to confirm that my "50% of Americans" memory was accurate and found this current ref: Does America need to update Constitution? Renowned political scientist believes it's time for big changes. by Ed Williams.
Interesting read.
Note the lack of "".
I'm wondering what the person was in search of.
Labels: blog

Pretty, eh? That's the blog in living color. I could swear I'd done this before, a year or more back, but I can't find it, if I did indeed do it, so I've done it again.
Aharef provides the applet. You provide the Web page you want him to graph. He 'xplains it all here and also shows some mega sites and how they look with the app:, &c.
Color code:
blue: for links (the A tag)
red: for tables (TABLE, TR and TD tags)
green: for the DIV tag
violet: for images (the IMG tag)
yellow: for forms (FORM, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT and OPTION tags)
orange: for linebreaks and blockquotes (BR, P, and BLOCKQUOTE tags)
black: the HTML tag, the root node
gray: all other tags
Flickr has a collection of pics.
Just reading disambiguity makes my brain feel polished and shiny.
Interesting look into the life of a reader, someone self-defined as "Learning life through Writing, Reading, Traditional Archery, Nature and Harvest, Computer Hardware, and watching people."
The Web is a wonder these days, providing loads of opportunity to watch people act, roleplay (perhaps), wig out, gracefully sail through upsetting circumstances, overreact, underreact. ...
Find someone on a newsgroup, in a blog, posting comments in reaction to an article. Imagine that person as a character in the story you're writing. What you see on the Web gives you the barebones, the skeleton of the character. It's up to you to flesh out the motivations, insecurities, craziness, saneness and make the character your own.
There's been discussion here and elsewhere about whether (or not) dooce is a blog worth reading. I think so. Talk about finding someone who gives you loads of opportunity to peer into their lives!
"but she whines and whines and I'm tired of her whining about her boring life," some say. Well. I'm tired of bombast and vicious rants, which is why I stopped reading certain blogs. I don't read dooce daily. I do pop in every month or so to get a flavor of the personality. She would make such a good character in a story I haven't quite cooked up yet.
What a brave new world this is, where no matter what sort of person we are or wish we were, we can read about others like or unlike us (and others can read our ramblings and dish with friends about how witless we can be and so on ad infinitum).
Read Thomas Hawk's Digital Connection: Photographing Architecture is Still Not a Crime, Police Harrasment at 45 Fremont Street and ask yourself
- what you would've done if this had happened to you
- what you would've done if this happened to family or friend
- what can you and I do to insure that this just does not happen again.
Hawk takes nice photos too. Go check them out while you're there.
Labels: blog, life, photographs, San Francisco
The article got me poking around on the Web and I came across his blog and an interview by Eric Berlin (3.2005) which included this bit of advice:
EB: Thank you. Classic question to any author: any advice to aspiring writers out there who are looking to become novelists?
RBP: Write it, send it in. There isn't anything else to do. Somebody asked me at a signing the other day if I have any tips for a first-time writer and I said, "Yeah, try and write good." There isn't anything I can tell them - there are no tips.
There are very successful writers who don't write anything the way I do. John Updike, who I know, and who is a nice guy and a great writer, does not write in any way the way I do. So you can't say, "You better write like me!" I mean, you can write like Updike, that will work..
If you need tips, it's almost too late for you. If you can't fix it, you can't send it to me and have me fix it. You write it, you send it in, and if somebody at a publishing house thinks they can make a profit by publishing it, they will. And if they think they can't, they won't. And I can't make them do it, your Uncle Harry can't make them do it.
I suppose Michael Jackson or somebody can write a bad book and somebody will publish it at the moment. His life story would be swell. But other than that kind of celebrity hogwash, actual writing...
[At this point, we're interrupted by Mr. Parker's PR rep. We're told that that we have five more minutes, and we're asked how everything is going. Mr. Parker deadpans, "We're doing my favorite thing. I'm talking about myself."]
So no, I don't have any advice. There are still publishers who will read unsolicited manuscripts. They'll read them all, but they may read five pages in and say, "Ooh..." And I think that works. I think that if you have a manuscript, I can read one page, or maybe half a page, and know whether you have any talent or not. But the odds are long, most people don't have it. And you're competing with a lot of other submissions, but some of them are written in crayon. I mean, some are so apparently tripe that you read one sentence and throw it out.
There are also agents listed in the Literary Marketplace. I got published without an agent. You need an agent to get read at some houses, which require agent's submission - they're listed in one of those books, Writer's Marketplace or Literary Marketplace. But they can't get you published if you can't get published yourself, except that they can get you read places where you might not get read otherwise. And they've done the initial screening: if they take you on, the publisher will give you more attention. The publisher saves the trouble of bothering the initial editor.
It's been so long since I've been a beginning writer that I don't really know what it's like anymore. I don't know what the market is like. I don't know whether it would really be better to find an agent or just get published and then get an agent. If you get published, you can get an agent easy enough. And you need one: an agent is very valuable.
But the one thing you have to do is to write it. With non-fiction, you may be able to get a deal on a sample chapter and an outline, but with fiction, it's made on the writing. Non-fiction can be the idea, the story, or whatever. Fiction is in the execution. Write it, and send it to somebody who can publish it. Not me!
A swell fambly member, who reads the blog, told me that she was getting a glitch (and probably always had but was too polite to say so) that was cutting off the lefthand side of the center column -- yes, the column that contains the guts of the blog.
"What browser do you use?" I asked.
"MS Internet Explorer," she replied.
I fired up IE, which I only fire up when something won't display on Firefox (a most excellent browser, btw, and one I highly recommend) or when I'm trying to make sure some Webby thing I'm working on will work for the IE user. ...
Turns out if you scrunch your screen down to a certain size, the lefthand and righthand columns scrunch down okay, but there's a big blob of space that blocks out the leftmost portion of the center column -- just the symptom the fambly member reported. I'm suspecting she uses a laptop and, hence, has a smaller screen but I can't remember.
Someone back when had mentioned the same thing, but after much tweaking at that point, I couldn't find a fix.
Times change. I created a Web site last spring that used a header, a footer and three columns to display and, after much torking around, found a way to make it work with IE, unless you squished the screen down far smaller than most people do. An older and wiser soul today, I took that experience and tweaked the blog template today so that the swell fambly member can read the blog using IE.
You'll notice more space between the columns but everything squishes down okay with IE now. (Unless -- goes without saying -- you squish the screen down far smaller than most people do, at which point the sidebars pop out from the edges and down onto the bottom.)
I had to remove the MyBlogLog stuff because it doesn't compress gracefully and caused the lefthand column to overrun and scoot down to the bottom of the page when using the smaller screen size in IE.
Barring those minor changes everything remains the same.
Un regalo por mi cuñada. Hope it works!
What is it with Chris Daly?
He moved his Chris Daly blog off the City servers because he wanted to be able to post the unvarnished truth about Gavin and Aaron and others.
You go, Chris. More power to you if you think this is the way to prove your point. I have no idea why you're so angry, but I see a downward spiral that has hit the tipping point. All that bile can't be good for the soul.
Labels: blog, politics, San Francisco
Miss Snark, the literary agent, has retired from blogging. She'll keep agenting, she sez, and It wasn't a specific event. The questions were increasingly ones I'd already answered or ones I couldn't answer.
Adieu, Miss Snark. Bon chance. It's been a grand run.
(Miss Snark promises to keep the blog up with all its tasty bits of knowledge for the foreseeable future. ... and, no, she's not writing a book based on the blog.)
Subtitled "bohemian modern style from a san francisco girl," Smith's blog covers a wide range of interesting design stuff and news.
I love to rummage around, looking at the pictures, clicking through to sites she mentions. She covers everything from concert posters to clothing, interior design to product design.
She's got a mighty fine list of sites on her blogrolls too.
Hey, look at that! 7x7 profiled her on their site last week.
Labels: blog, design, San Francisco
LeBoeuf is an inspiration in her willingness to say "I'm screwing around and need to get back to work" and her "read this blog and got these hints" and her "I'm working on XYZ and it is not going well" and, of course, her other writerly-related posts. This blog consists only of writerly-related posts and I like that focus.
Sometimes she posts too little because she's actually writing or off at Viable Paradise or busy doing something else, and then she's back on a semi-regular basis and ... life is good.
I like her snippets.
I like her focus.
I even like her whining.
Melanie and Mike are back in action. Check out the blog. Check out the site. Word-huggers and amateur etymologists rejoice.
The resources blog will carry the markets information I've been carrying here. Coolio writer stuff may wind up in both this blog and that. Info on the writers' resources site will be updated to include new markets information and links wigati. The resources blog will probably be updated from its 2002 look some day as well.
From now on writing markets info will live there not here. Those of you who read here for great apps, interesting sites, San Francisco foodie news and life, the universe and prayer flags can continue on uninterrupted. Those who only cared about the markets info will find their focus more focussed at the other blog.
This has been a management postie. We now return you to the normal blog content, sans writing markets information.
Labels: blog, internet resources for writers, URL, writing, writing-market
"Have you heard of DISTRICT?" I asked his nibs.
"No," he replied. "Must be new."
Bar? Restaurant? I'd never heard of it and even if it is brand spanking new, there should've been some peep in someone's "here's what's coming up" column. We're talking SOMA, here. We're talking the clubbing, see-and-be-seen set.
His nibs checked Zagat, and the place turns out to be a wine bar with bar food/tapas/small plates. He was searching for DISTRICT's Web site but a search for /"san francisco" "district restaurant"/ kept bringing up hits for "xyz, a Mission District restaurant" and the like.
I tried /"san francisco" district winebar restaurant/ and BINGO!
I found a most excellent review at Gastronomie, a foodie blog (subtitle, "culinary adventures in San Francisco & beyond") which comes at you with detail and a straightforward, "here's what I thought" style.
Go read Gastronomie, Fatemeh's blog, and tell me what you think. (That I agree with her wholeheartedly about Globe -- we've stopped off there twice in the last month or two, on our way home from some other event -- has a smidgen to do with it, but not much.)
Gastronomie's review of DISTRICT
DISTRICT's Web site [Caution: hip music!]
I love reading words written by people who can write well about the places they go and the foods they eat.
Labels: blog, food, San Francisco
MySpace Photo Costs Teacher Education Degree
Fair? Unfair?
The photo in question (from an article at The Smoking Gun, of course)
I think she should've got rid of the red-eye fer sures.
Labels: blog, life, social networking
Go thee thither.
Today (08 Mar) brings us
Lord Byron: March 8, 1816
A letter to Thomas Moore.
I rejoice in your promotion as Chairman and Charitable Steward, etc., etc. These be dignities which await only the virtuous. But then, recollect you are six and thirty, (I speak this enviously—not of your age, but the "honour—love—obedience—troops of friends," which accompany it,) and I have eight years good to run before I arrive at such hoary perfection; by which time,—if I am at all,—it will probably be in a state of grace or progressing merits.
Labels: blog, books, history, writing
I'm hoping the Phat Duck archives hang around, because her blog was dessert-lovers' heaven.
Miss Snark's must-haves give a peek into the world of agents.
Next time you're at a conference, take an agent to lunch or buy one a drink, just because. You may never use their services but your karma will be polished.
Labels: blog, book promotion, writing
A description of the scoring method and a list of the people on the nominating committee are given. The top ten books are described in detail.
The books?
- The Communist Manifesto Authors: Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels
- Mein Kampf Author: Adolf Hitler
- Quotations from Chairman Mao Author: Mao Zedong
- The Kinsey Report Author: Alfred Kinsey
- Democracy and Education Author: John Dewey
- Das Kapital Author: Karl Marx
- The Feminine Mystique Author: Betty Friedan
- The Course of Positive Philosophy Author: Auguste Comte
- Beyond Good and Evil Author: Freidrich Nietzsche
- General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Author: John Maynard Keynes
Also included on the list: - The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich
- What Is To Be Done by V.I. Lenin
- Authoritarian Personality by Theodor Adorno
- On Liberty by John Stuart Mill
- Beyond Freedom and Dignity by B.F. Skinner
- Reflections on Violence by Georges Sorel
- The Promise of American Life by Herbert Croly
- Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin
- Madness and Civilization by Michel Foucault
- Soviet Communism: A New Civilization by Sidney and Beatrice Webb
- Coming of Age in Samoa by Margaret Mead
- Unsafe at Any Speed by Ralph Nader
- Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
- Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci
- Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
- Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon
- Introduction to Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud
- The Greening of America by Charles Reich
- The Limits to Growth by Club of Rome
- Descent of Man by Charles Darwin
Six of these titles I've never heard of: Gramsci, Webb, Croly, Sorel, Adorno, Comte. (Yes, I'm sure not knowing Comte brands me jejune. Alas, that I am.) Five I read as part of the two-year Humanities series in college: Nietzsche, Fanon, JSM, Marx and Marx & Engels. Others I read on my own, including Carson, Skinner, Ehrlich, Reich.
Of the thirty titles listed, I've read (if memory serves) twelve, maybe thirteen. Those unread? Well, doesn't this list make you want to go out and read those you've missed, and reread those you have only a hazy memory of?
I came across this list today from a mention in John Baker's blog where he adds the comment, They turn out to be books that have a point of view different to the panel of conservatives who selected them. No surprises.
If I were to list what I thought were the "most harmful" books, of course the "most harmful" books would be those written by people with a viewpoint that I find poisonous. No surprises indeed.
My list of books would differ in many respects.
I'm having a problem coming up with a list of "harmful" books. Yes, millions of copies of Mein Kampf were published in Hitler's Germany, but was the book itself the cause of Hitler's Germany? How closely did the Soviet Union apparatchiks adhere to the dictums of Marx and Engels and Lenin? Would Communist China have never existed if the little red book had not been published?
My list of harmful books would include:
- [FICTION] The Turner Diaries by Dr. William Luther Pierce (under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald). Pierce is a white supremacist. This is his ode to the fictional day in the glorious future when the white race will exterminate the vermin who are not white and will rule the world. Yippy ky yay.
- [FICTION] The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion -- purported to be true, btw, by not just a few folks.
- [FICTION] The Left Behind series by Jerry B Jenkins/Tim LaHaye
[note: I wandered over to John Baker's blog from a post at This Thing Of Ours. Thanks for the headsup!]
A post today begins,
What do you get when 125 of today's writers are asked to nominate their best books of all time? The answer is, something like the unwieldy 544-title list included in The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books, on sale now.
I took a stab at my Top Ten and came up with
REBECCA = Daphne DuMaurier
THE BIG SLEEP and/or THE LONG GOODBYE = Raymond Chandler
SCARAMOUCHE = Rafael Sabatini
CATCH-22 = Joseph Heller
SIDDHARTHA = Hermann Hesse
ETHAN FROME = Edith Wharton
... and then I had to stop because I ran out of slots. But what about PRIDE AND PREJUDICE or COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO? JANE EYRE? WUTHERING HEIGHTS? THE PRINCESS AND THE GOBLIN/THE PRINCESS AND CURDIE? BLACK BEAUTY? (the first "real" book I ever read, so dear to my heart.) some Wodehouse, some Ngaio Marsh, some Josephine Tey (DAUGHTER OF TIME would make the list.)
There's a bit more to the comments I left there, but that's enough for here and now.
What applies to screenwriters can also apply to writers.
Take a look-see, if screenwriting or fiction writing be your smack.
That being said, those of you hooked up to the RSS feed will notice that I'm fiddling with old posts -- oh, not posts that go back to forever, just ones that go a little bit back, say to when I swopped over to the !Beta Blogger or a maybe an itsy bit further.
See, when I swopped over to the !Beta, I picked up tag functionality.
I've been taking a look at the tags I've created and used (and the spots where I probably should've used tags if I want to be consistent and you know how us compul^H^H^H^Hnscientious people are) and ...
Rather than comment on each and every post I fiddle with to say that I'm playing around with the tags, assume that that's what's different unless I specifically say so.
Muy muchas gracias.
Update: Done. No, really. I didn't make all the changes that I could've, but I made enough that I feel better about the labels. Wish I knew enough about the Blogger internals that I could've changed "url" to "URL" without having to find all the "url" labels, delete them, then create a "URL" label and add that label back to all the posts that needed it. Seems if you have a "tHisTagIsSTUPID" tag, you can't have a "THisTAgisSTUPID" tag. Blogger just won't let you. There must be some easy way to change your mind and decide all your "city" tags need to be "urban" instead. I'll keep poking around.
Update 2:You can edit all the posts with a given label [note to self: need to remember that Blogger calls tags "labels" because they have a different feature that they call "tags"]. You still need to delete label "a" from all posts so-labeled and then add label "b" to all the posts.
Added a purple prose favicon to Internet Resources earlier today.
Wrote about favicons and such on the blog over there.
Some day I'll really need to rethink the blog layout for that site, but I'd abandoned that blog for almost two years and only recently started keeping it up-to-date again. Each time I edit it and pull up the blog it's like yowww! that was then, where is now?
Pepys' diary is a blog which follows Pepys' diary day-by-day with clicks to the appropriate "whatever is he talking about?" explanations.
Mrs. Pepys, btw, seems not to be an easy keeper.
Today's entry (Sunday 13 December 1663) includes the following (run-on-sentences-r-Pepys) bit.
To church, where after sermon home, and to my office, before dinner, reading my vowes, and so home to dinner, where Tom came to me and he and I dined together, my wife not rising all day, and after dinner I made even accounts with him, and spent all the afternoon in my chamber talking of many things with him, and about Wheately’s daughter for a wife for him, and then about the Joyces and their father Fenner, how they are sometimes all honey one with another and then all turd, and a strange rude life there is among them.
Love that "sometimes all honey one with another and then all turd, and a strange rude life there is among them."
Dysfunctional families 'r' us.
Don't believe me? Look!
I roam around looking at things. Reading blogs I like. Clicking through on links on blogs I like. I find an interesting and/or quirky and/or beautiful and/or useful blog and I add its feed to my bloglines list and either follow the blog religiously in a not-quite-stalking way for days and weeks or I read it that day and then forget about it, leaving it sit there on the bloglines list until one day I'm drinking my second mug of espresso and clicking around and go, gee. ... I don't remember why I saved a link to ... what's dooce anyway?
This is dooce -- a quirky, entertaining, refreshing, funny, intriguing, interesting blog outta Salt Lake City, Utah, by dooce AKA Heather B. Armstrong, formerly known as Heather B. Hamilton, wife, mother, no longer a practicing LDS. dooce is notorious or at least 15-minutes-of-fame famous for being fired from her job for blogging about her work, back when. (Her advice? My advice to you is BE YE NOT SO STUPID. Never write about work on the internet unless your boss knows and sanctions the fact that YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT WORK ON THE INTERNET.)
Labels: blog
I say "not-hardly anonymous" because people address her by name on the blog and her LiveJournal profile tells you not only who she is but that she's been an agent at Lowenstein-Yost Associates since January 2006. Prior to this, I worked as an assistant agent with the Donald Maass Literary Agency. Before moving to NYC, I lived in Cincinnati, Ohio and worked at Writer's Digest Books for 4 years as an editor.
Vater's blog is informative. She gives a peek into the thought processes of an agent looking for clients and selling her clients' work. She also writes about writing and how to improve yours.
Read. Enjoy.
Miss Snark said, "It doesn't suck but it's [it gets] a form letter rejection. There's a reason everyone's yapping about Charlie Huston...he took the usual expectations of genre and turned them on their ear. I'm looking for good writing but I also have to bring something fresh to the table."
Charlie who?
With a quick search I found - The Official Charlie Huston Website.
Charlie has his bio and his blog and what all.
Charlie also has first chapters for CAUGHT STEALING, SIX BAD THINGS, and ALREADY DEAD. The print layout for SIX BAD THINGS is downright awful, but the first pages for all three are
Wondering what people mean when they say, "Start in media res." or "Those first pages have to grab you by the throat." or "Start with conflict. Start with action."?
Charlie Huston is the poster boy for those folks.
Go. Read.
Labels: blog
Everything changes. You can make
A fresh start with your final breath.
But what has happened has happened. And the water
You once poured into the wine cannot be
Drained off again.