Monday, March 16, 2009
On a clear day ... Mauna Kea
The first days of the conference were cloudy and a bit wet, but what harm does warm rain do? Folks who were interested in hiking, sunning, exploring had to deal with the weather. I was there to soak up panels so the rain only meant I'd get wet if I left the conference grounds in search of food.

A couple days of sunshine followed. The conference ended on a partly-cloudy note.

On one of the sunny days, I walked over to the nearby shopping center to pick up some lunch from the grocery store and discovered that the cloud cover that had hidden Mauna Kea was gone for the nonce.

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: views from the Hill

Bertold Brecht:   
Everything changes. You can make
A fresh start with your final breath.
But what has happened has happened. And the water
You once poured into the wine cannot be
Drained off again.

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