Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Blogger Navbar
I was playing around with the Blogger Navbar and decided it wasn't worth the look or the real estate.

  • I had to fiddle with the upper margin so it didn't overprint my page.

  • My layout looked different from what the Blogger documentation showed, perhaps because of Netscape or my .css or something.

  • I already have [NextBlog] on my navigation bar.

  • Why should I offer a link to "Get your own blog"?

  • The ultimate deciding point, though, was finding that the Google search -- the Navbar feature I thought was the coolest and worth installing the Navbar to get -- only works on the current page, not for any of the archived blog pages. I tried searching for "foie" ... nothing. My FreeFind search tool works better. If I really want a Google search to pull up some hits for me, I can always fallback on a Google search string.


: views from the Hill

Bertold Brecht:   
Everything changes. You can make
A fresh start with your final breath.
But what has happened has happened. And the water
You once poured into the wine cannot be
Drained off again.

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